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~end of school day~

"Ready to work partner?" I ask linking arms with Tweek "Y-yes!" He says. And we walk like that all the way to his parents work place.


"Ok take this and put it on" his dad says handing me and apron. I tied the back and looked back up "ok so you'll take orders, so stand behind right here" he says "ok Mr. Tweak" I say standing behind the register.

"Tweek will show you how to work this, Tweek!" He says "yes!" Tweek says almost stumbling in "show y/n how to work the register" this dad says and Tweek nods walking over to me.

~minutes later of learning~

"Got it?" Tweek asks "yea I do" I say doing exactly what Tweek showed me. "Good" he says "is better start sweeping" Tweek says and walks away. I watched the door and Craig walks in?

"Hello Craig?" I say looking at him "oh hey y/n got a job?" He says and I nod. "Craig I thought you didn't drink coffee" I say looking at him "I do just sometimes..." He says "well then what can I get you?" I ask. "Actually I knew you worked here I just came to say something" he then says. Wot.

"I know you like Tweek. I seen it on your face, Clyde ships it so much I have to tell him to shut up" Craig says "oh... Its stupid really!" I say "oh and the strange person bothering you, remember that note?" Craig says and I nod. "Its Stan, you know Stan right?" Craig says and I nod.

"Stan is... I guess not into Wendy? But don't let him get in the way ok?" Craig says "yes anything else" I say to him. "I want you to tell Tweek. But for coffee surprise me!" Craig says.

Eh heh...

"Tweek?" I say and Tweek comes walking up "Craig wants a surprise coffee" I say "t-there is nothing left to surprise him with u-unless we throw coffee at him t-then just pick a random coffee" Tweek says "don't throw coffee at me" Craig says flipping us off. "That will be 1.57" I say and Craig hands over money.

"W-what did you pick?" "Hot water" I say to Tweek "ill go get it!" Tweek says going to the back. As Tweek is in there I think why Stan wants someone like me? But then I shake it off as Tweek walks out. "Craig" I say and he walks up. "Surprise" I say handing him the cup.

He takes a drink then burns his mouth. "This is just hot water!" Craigs says "you said surprise you" I says while shrugging. "That's not funny" Craig says before I start to laugh. "Oh Jeez!" Tweek says as his mother calls for him.

"Ok now. Truth or dare." Craig says "dare" I say since I'm not a chicken "I dare you to... Confess to Tweek, you have until Monday" Craig says with a smirk "and if I don't?" I say "you have to kiss my shoe" Craig says. "I hate you." I say to him "I love you to now I must go and drink this hot water" Craig says the leaves.


"Bye y/n.." Tweek says and I feel my heart beat faster "B-bye Tweek.." I say stuttering. Why did I stutter? Should I say it now? Or wair till Monday... "Y/n?" I hear Tweeks voice snapping me out of my thoughts. "Sorry I'm going now.." I say walking away.

Tweeks pov.
Why didn't I do it. I was dared by Clyde to confess to her by Monday. And if I don't I had to kiss the sidewalk. But its y/n I can't say anything like that to her at least.

~time skip to next day~

"Just go do it!" Clyde says "I can't! What if I say something wrong or mess it up!!" I say to Clyde. I was talking to him on the phone and he's trying to convince me to confess. "I've confessed hundreds of times why cant you?" He says "you got rejected hundreds of times that's why!" I say and he gets quiet.

"Clyde?" I say "rude" is what he says "w-well I'm sorry! But I can't" I say "ill shorten your days if you want" Clyde says and I swear he is smirking "no! Ill do it! Just stop GOODBYE" I say "bye" he says and ends the call.

Its Saturday. Y/n isn't doing anything today, so I guess I'll get it over with. Fast and painful...

(As Ross from Friends said ._.)

"Tweek where are you going?" My mom asks "to a friend's house!" I say "ok be careful" she says. I walk outside towards y/n's house.

No one's pov.
"Ill go do it now!" Y/n yelled to herself "do what?" Her mom yells "my homework!" She yells back "ok..." He mom responded.

Tweek standing at her front door reading to knock as Y/n stands on the other side ready to run to his house. Y/n placed her hand on the knob as Tweek knocks. "What..." She says and opens the door seeing Tweek making her heart beat faster.

"Tweek?" She says "oh um Y/n I need to tell you something!" Tweek yells "I do to..." She says calmly. "Y/n? Who is it" her mom say walking in "Tweek." Her mom say cold. "Hi! Mrs. L/n!" Tweek yells then twitches "why are you here?" Her mom asks "no reason!" Tweek says "I just wanted to know if y/n wanted to go to the park!" Tweek says.

"I want to go to the park" Y/n says "um ok..." Her mom says "lets go" Y/n says grabbing Tweeks arms and walks out shutting the door..


"So you wanted to take me to the park?" Y/n asked "well no. But I did want to ask you something" Tweek says sounding calm. "I guess I do to..." Y/n says. Tweek was calm but his hearts wasn't. Y/n was fiddling with her shirt trying to hide her nervousness..

See what happens next chapter...

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