Painful Silence *GRAPHIC - RAPE*

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John turned to go to his room, moving slowly as he went to his drawer and got some loose and comfortable clothing. He sighed quietly as he went to his ensuite, closing the door behind him. Any other day he'd use the bathroom down the hall; it was roomier and he could stretch himself out. But not today. That was the last thing he needed.

John sighed quietly as he began to undress, not wanting to look at himself in the mirror. He could already see the marks on himself; he didn't want to know what they looked like reflected back at him.

He then turned the knob, the bath springing to life. After it filled, the male slowly sank into the water, sighing quietly as he held his knees close. He went over and took his loofah, pouring soap on it and scrubbing his body harshly. He wanted to get rid of the feeling of Jim. He wanted to feel clean; rid himself of the lingering feeling of the male's body. But no matter how hard he scrubbed- no matter how red his skin became from the scrubbing- he still felt dirty and tainted.

Suddenly, he heard the doorknob turn and unlock, and in waltzed in Jim.

"Greetings, pet~" he purred.

John tensed and shut his eyes tightly, hugging his knees close as his breathing hitched. "Wh-What the bloody hell are you doing here-" he hissed quietly.

Jim walked next to the tub and squatted onto his knees, gently moving his hand and cupping John's chin with a smirk. "We agreed that I'd see you today, did I not?~" he hummed, John flinching at the contact as he stared at him. "C-Can't this wait until after I'm out?" he muttered.

Jim scoffed and stood up, grabbing John harshly by the hair and pulling him out of the water. "Do you even care about Sherlock, John? Do you care about your daughter?!" he spat, reminding him of the agreement.

John cried out as he was pulled, stumbling in the tub as he trembled, attempting to cover himself. "F-Fine, fine! Please-" he whimpered.

Jim tsk'd and pulled him out of the tub, slamming him onto the toilet seat and chuckling. "You know I only stopped yesterday because I had other plans I had to attend, right?~" he drawled out, once again unbuckling his pants and letting them fall.

John cowered, trying to move away as far as possible, tears forming. He didn't want this...he couldn't take it. Not here. "J-Jim, what if Sherlock hears-" he whispered. He didn't say this because he was particularly worried about Sherlock hearing. But what if Sherlock heard and saw Jim? What if Jim hurt Sherlock and John for finding out?

Jim smirked and grabbed him by the hair, pulling him close to his crotch. "Then you'll have to be quiet, won't you, pet?~" he purred, pushing himself into John's mouth.

John shut his eyes tightly, crying out as his hair was pulled. Jim rolled himself in and out of his mouth, groaning as he chuckled. "For someone who acts like he doesn't like this, you sure are quite eager~" he pointed out, noticing John's hard on.

John glared up at him, crying out as Jim suddenly hoisted John up and pushed him against the wall, holding him by the hips as he let John's legs wrap around him. "Now, be a good boy and stay quiet-" he spat into his face, slipping himself once more into John; this time with much more ease from John's body being wet from the bath. John flinched as he felt him press against his entrance, wrapping his arms around the male as he groaned quietly in pain.

Jim pushed himself to the base and once again began to rock himself back and forth, letting John grab onto him as he smirked.

John trembled as he buried his face in Jim's shoulder, tears already falling as he tightly wrapped his arms around the male. He didn't want this, but he knew he couldn't resist any longer. If he did, Sherlock would be hurt, or worse, his daughter.

Jim grunted as he became a bit rougher, feeling John biting into his shoulder. He smirked, knowing John was trying not to let any noises escape. "Good boy~" he purred into his ear, suddenly bucking up into him, causing John let out a sharp grunt and exhale, breathing heavily as he quickly pushed his lips into the man's shoulder. He couldn't let Sherlock hear them. No matter how much he wanted to cry for help, he couldn't let them get hurt.

Even so, he was allowing himself to be raped once more; this time the pain worsening due to the past experience. This time, it felt like he was being torn in half, but instead of only a bit; it truly did feel like it. His body trembled violently as he sobbed into his shoulder, digging his nails into his sides as he fully wrapped his arms around his neck.

He could feel Jim's body, his member, his hands...he could feel Jim touching him, stroking and squeezing his member. He could feel his member inside him. He could feel his licks and bites on his neck. But he had to stay quiet. He just had to.

And after what felt like hours, Jim finally released himself inside John, groaning and chuckling with a satisfied and proud grin. "What a good boy. So, so good." he whispered, kissing the male's neck and purring as he slowly let him stand once again.

John sobbed violently, trying to keep his volume down as he clutched onto his suit top, his body shaking horribly as he tried to keep himself afoot.

Jim cocked an eyebrow, holding John close and chuckling. "Don't cry, Johnny boy~ Soon you'll realize that this is all for the best~" he whispered, kissing the top of his head. "I have to go now. But it was fun seeing you squirm and keep quiet~" he said, moving himself off John and slipping his pants back on.

As he did this, John grunted, trying to hold himself against the wall to stand straight. After Jim left, he finally let himself collapse on the ground, sobbing loudly and shaking violently.

What had he gotten himself into?

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