Rvb S3 E6 "We Must ReBuild"

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Destroyed Desert
Leo is dragging tucker by the arm to another area, where they can talk in private.

Tucker: Is there a reason why your dragging me because I do not want to get raped!

Leo: First off, that's disgusting.

Leo stops dragging Tucker and turns around to face him.

Leo: And secondly, do you know his first name?

Tucker: Umm I don't know really, we just call each other our last name.....strangely. Why is this important anyway?

Leo: I just need to piece this information together.

Tucker: Information? What's so important about Church? All he is, is an asshole with a scary girlfriend..............wait a second?!

Tucker throws his hands on his head in realisation.

Leo: What?

Tucker: It makes all since now!! Church is the dude that banged Tex!!

(NOTE: ~ These symbols will represent thoughts for Leo)

Leo: Ummm Tucker that's insane. ~Besides Tex is a clone..........unless this Church dude is a clone of my dad!~

Tucker: (laughing) I can't believe someone like Church is a dad!!

Leo: You've got no evidence Tucker, that proves that he's my dad!

Tucker: (Ignores Leo) I can't wait to see the look on church's face when he finds out he has a son!

Leo walks up to Tucker, towering over him in a threatening way.

Leo: Tucker I swear to god, if you tell him about this I will kill you!

Tucker: Alright yeesh, you even sound like him.

Leo: (Sighs) Let's just re-group with the others ok?

Tucker: (Giggles) Alright Church junior.

So Leo and Tucker start walking back to the others. Back with Simmons and Grif, who is currently yelling in sadness?

Grif: They destroyed it all, Simmons, those damn stupid bastards. They blew it all up! Damn them! Damn them to Hell! Those damn dirty apes!

Simmons: Calm down Grif, we don't know that the whole world is like this.

Grif: Yes it is, they destroyed it all. I guess the society of men just wasn't meant to survive.

Simmons: Hey how 'bout this: how 'bout we explore, more than two square miles, before we jump to any conclusions.

Grif: It was definitely nuclear weapons, that's what did it. And the explosions caused massive power outages which caused the failsafe to fail, which released a super bacteria from a secret lab.

Simmons: Oh come on.

Grif: That caused a huge plague, and as the victims died, they rose from the dead twelve hours later to roam the Earth and feast on human flesh.

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