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“Good morning, Baby.” Dante greeting with a smile as Lexi cracked her eyes open at the last rays of sunlight.

“Don’t you mean goodnight?” She purred as she stretched, feeling the aches in certain parts of her body she wouldn’t want to mention casually.

“I had a great night yesterday. I would consider this a good morning.” Dante commented with a grin as his hand snaked around her waist, venturing south and cupping her bare ass. She smiled lazily at his audacious move, and figured it wouldn’t hurt to tease him a little, as she arched her back, pushing her hips to his. It surprised her to find little Dante already hard and ready to receive her.

“Dante! How can you think of such dirty thoughts immediately upon waking up! Don’t you Casanovas have inhibitions?” She exclaimed, but Dante only laughed.

“Having lived with Alvron before, you would ask that?” He said, his hand on her ass pulling her body sticking right to his. She felt her breasts squashed up against his hard chest, his hard counterpart rubbing over her sensitive area.

“I’m tired out from yesterday, Dante.” She groaned, watching as Dante only grinned at her in reply.

“You know, sometimes I wonder if you really knew what you signed up for when you agreed to marry a Casanova man.” Dante commented casually, sealing her protest quickly with a kiss.

“I still feel sick, so give me a break.” Lexi complained after their lips parted, and Dante’s playfulness drained away quickly like a plug pulled. The worry flashed in his eyes as he propped himself up with a strong hand on the bedspreads, looking over at her in alarm.

“Hasn’t it been a few days already? You should see the doctor about this. If it’s food poisoning, it’s hitting you bad.” Dante looked so worried that for a moment, Lexi was entirely unafraid of this unnamed illness that had struck her, for she knew that no matter what, Dante would be by her side and keep her comforted.

“I’ll go make an appointment later tonight if it gets worse.” She reassured him, but before more could be said, she felt the dreadful feeling churning in her stomach again. Not wanting to risk it, Lexi scrambled quickly off the bed to the adjourning bathroom. It was by luck that she made it on time, as she began heaving her stomach all over again into the toilet.

Dante only silently stood behind her, helpfully holding her hair back as she emptied her stomach. Finishing up was as tiring as starting, as Lexi flushed the disgusting contents of what had been in her stomach down, washing the sick feeling quickly. They didn’t speak about it, for both of them knew how sick Lexi still felt about it all.

Dante’s phone rang outside, and he, though leaving with worried reluctance, went to pick up the call. Lexi brushed the last of the vomit out of her mouth, scowling at the dark circles that had somehow –against all odds –formed around her eyes. She pulled the door to the medicinal cabinet open, resisting the urge to punch the mirror, reaching for another pill for her nausea, before something feel out from the top shelf –the shelf she’d neglected to see all this while.

The small white packet dropped into the sink, and Lexi stared at it for a long moment. Everything clicked into place, as she picked it up.

“Hey, Jack called. He said he has to see us urgently. He’s sounding crazy again. Should we go?” Dante popped back into the doorway, since they’d left the door open.

“Dante.” She said, sounding a little hoarse but mostly haunted, as she raised the packet in her hand up for him to see.

“Um, yeah? I don’t use pads, if you’re asking.” He smiled in hopes of lifting spirits, but it faded away quickly when he saw that she wasn’t smiling. The haunted timbre on her face, the dark circles around her eyes –it was all a great cause for worry as Dante’s heartbeat picked up with anxiety.

Beneath A Casanova {#1}Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat