Part 19

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Part 19

Lexi’s heart pounded like crazy as she clutched her hands together tight, her eyes squeezed shut. She prayed hard, tuning out the sounds that surrounded her, threatening to crash into her.

Have faith. Dante’s words came back to her, as he’d told her early tonight when they met after he woke up. A little more warmth calmed her down a little, but she was still nervous as hell. The screams around her, some calling her name, some calling the other contestant’s name, surrounded her. The lights throughout the place was dimmed.

“Lexi!” She heard a shout from a familiar voice, a familiar accent, and her eyes flew open.

Her eyes found him immediately at the front seat, and he had on his confident, Casanova grin. Louis stood by his side, pumping his fists in support while Alvron screamed her name like a crazy groupie fan. Dante’s eyes told her all she needed, and seeing her friends right before the moment of truth made her feel so much better. She turned her head sideways to see her contestant, a woman a few years her senior, but with the same dreams.

Their eyes met, and though they were competing to enter the Finals, they offered each other encouraging smiles. On stage, they could fight but off stage, they held no offense to each other. They had a fair fight, and the results would be nothing but fair. There would be no grudges held.

The wait was almost forever and Lexi stepped sideward, taking her competitor’s hand in hers. Both of them were nervous as hell, waiting for the results to be determined by the judges, who seemed to be arguing in the semi-darkness. The audience didn’t stop screaming, and the camera remained on them, waiting too, anxiously for the result.

Suddenly, as if coming to a decision, the judges went back to their seats at their table, and the host received a paper from them. A paper on which contained the name that would be the contestant on the Finals. The host rushed back center-stage, where they stood side by side, holding each other’s hand tight.

“Ladies and Gentlemen, we have the results in! On this paper here, we have the name of the contestant who will be joining us next week on the Finals. Who will it be? Will it be Ms. Lexitonia Davis?” The expectant pause from the host that followed was filled with her crowd of fans screaming her name. “Or will it Ms. Daisy Orland?”

The second crowd that supported the other contestant was as loud as her group.

“And the one who will be joining us next week is…” The host unfolded the paper, taking a quick, certain look at the name written.

Tensed silence filled the room, as suspense strung them all on. Daisy, her fellow contestant, gripped her hand hard in worry and nervousness. She felt the same inside, and hoped –internally –that she wasn’t crushing Daisy’s hand too.

“Lexitonia Davis! Give it up for Ms. Lexitonia Davis who will be joining us again next week!” The host broke out in a yell, and like a bubble burst, the crowd went crazy as the light suddenly shone on her. The confetti burst forth, and the weight of the announcement finally pummeled into her a moment later.

The tears had already began to sting her eyes, as Ms. Daisy Orland took her in a tight hug, congratulating her for her win and wishing her luck. She hugged her fellow competitor back, but adrenaline and shock took her words from her mouth as the tears of joy flowed. She’d done it. She was going into the Finals.

Distantly, she was aware of the host speaking directly to the camera, reminding the audience at home to stay tuned for the long-awaited Finals next week, even as the live audience continued screaming their joy for her win. Her fans. They all supported her.

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