Chapter 7

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Henry looked around the room, noticing everyone who now surrounded him. He began to kick and struggle under Rydel's hold, fear driving his actions. I jumped forward and began brushing his hair back.

"Shh, Henry, it's me." Henry stopped thrashing at the sound of my voice, and looked at me in surprise.

"Ersatz? What are you doing here?" His voice was laced with distrust, but he relaxed. I ignored the looks I was given by everyone else.

"I'm part of this group called the Freedom Fighters. These people are going to take care of you and keep you safe from King Zelrox's soldiers." I answered, and made no move to correct the name. "Henry?" I asked quietly. He sniffled in reply. "What did they do to you?" He held up the stump of his arm.

"The man wasn't nice." He cried. "He hit me when I couldn't answer his questions, and cut off my hand for stealing food." I grimaced and tried to ignore the nausea in my stomach.

"What questions, Henry?"

"About you, where you'd gone, who you were. I-I told him I didn't know, tried to stick to the code." He began to snivel again, and I felt guilty. I'd told him thieves needed to stick together; I hadn't dobbed him in, so why would he?

"What did he look like?" I asked.

"Blonde hair, tall. Scary." Henry answered. My blood ran cold, and I knew who it was that had done this to Henry. Finch's head snapped to look at me. I ignored her.

"Don't worry, Henry. The bad man won't get you here. But you need to trust us, alright? We aren't here to hurt you."

"They say you guys are evil." Henry said quietly.

"We're trying to do the right thing Henry." I answered carefully. "We're not saints, but we're not evil either. Can you trust us and not try to escape?" After a moment, Henry nodded dubiously. Looking up at Rydel, who stood nearby ready to assist should Henry go back on his word, I indicated towards the entrance. He nodded.

"We need to know what he knows." Rydel said quietly. I nodded, and looked back at where Finch was talking animatedly to Henry.

"He trusts me. If I can get time alone with him I can learn what he saw."

"I know he's only young, but we need to consider the possibility he was let go by King Zelrox. If he's a spy..." Rydel sighed. "He can't stay." I agreed without saying anything. It was something I'd already thought of. "I'll get the others to leave you alone for a while. Do you think you can get him to come to the food room?"

"I don't know, he's pretty flighty. If I can't, I'll get something for him." I answered. Rydel nodded. "Oh, and go along with the name." I stopped him from leaving. He looked at me with question. "If he really is a spy, he'll be relaying information about Ersatz, not Silver." I explained. It was complete bullshit, but I couldn't stand hearing that name any longer. My tongue felt numb after saying it, and the dagger nicked another wound. Rydel shrugged, accepting my excuse.

"Alright guys, clear out." He ordered. Luka followed Mum out of the room, and Rydel accompanied Finch.

"I'll be fine." I said in reply to her worried face. She reluctantly left me alone with Henry. I sat down in the seat and took his bony hand in mine to try and warm them. His hands were chilled, so unlike the ones I used to hold. His chocolate eyes were darkly innocent yet spoke of years of torment no child should have to face, contrasting sharply to the youthful bright spark of the lively man I'd lost. "How old are you Henry?" I asked. Henry looked thoughtful for a second.

"I think I'm twelve and a half."

"Do you have any parents? Siblings?" He shook his head sadly. "Where did you live?"

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