Chapter 17

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We spent most of the night at the Hidden Lake. The Sphinxes and Tinks had long since retired to their places of rest by the time Pegasus pulled me away from the water's edge. The Mudbugs were tiring of their game and were resting in a large motley pile of brown.

Come on. Dawn isn't far off, and you promised Rydel we'd be back by sun-up. He coaxed gently.

I know. It's just...when we leave here, it feels like I'm leaving everything else behind as well. It didn't feel right to speak, to break the silence. Pegasus knew who I was referring to aside from the life I missed so much.

He is always going to be with you, Silver. It hurts, it really does, but that's life. The emotional link you had...that sort of thing will never break, as long as you live. Pegasus' words were enough to rouse me from the ground, and my hand fisted in his mane. Together we navigated the forest, and when we emerged the empty feeling I was afraid of never came. I felt full, relieved of a weight that had burdened my shoulders for too long. Pegasus was right.

We flew back in comfortable silence, and the tears that stained my cheeks weren't a result of pain, or grief. It was of relief. A teary smile was enough to convince myself that I really would be alright. King Zelrox was the final hurdle, the last stretch. Once he was gone I would be free; my homeland would be free.

Rydel was waiting on the ledge for us, a worried expression on his face as he scanned the horizon for us, his eyes flicking back to the rapidly lightening sky where the Sun was due to peek over the earth at any moment. I saw him before he saw us, and we passed Ash just as we landed. There was another message tied to his leg.

"Cutting it a little fine, don't you think?" Rydel invited casually after we'd landed. He wasn't angry, just relieved.

"Sorry. I had to take care of a few things, but I'm alright now." I replied, running a hand through Pegasus' mane. He nuzzled me affectionately. Rydel smiled sadly.

"Fox and Dragonfly are getting close to finishing the Hoodwink. Ash just returned with a message from the spies at the castle." He waved a torn piece of parchment as proof. "The General is planning to leave in three days time to recruit a group of Night Howlers from ArrowHaven Forest. Doesn't give us much time to learn how the guy ticks, but if you time it correctly you can be in and out and no one will suspect you had a hand in his death at all. Once you're safely out of the picture, we'll move in and secure the castle and the soldiers." It felt so strange; after a participating in more than a year of rebellion, our purpose was finally about to be fulfilled.

"That's great." I was famished. "Mind if we talk and walk? I need something to eat." Rydel led the way, and I said goodbye to Pegasus. He snorted and curled up to rest. "Did they pick up any traits?"

"The General walks with a slight limp in his left leg due to an attack by an Iron Sabde at the beginning of his career, and he has an irregular twitch in his right cheek, but I don't think you need to worry about that. Other than the limp, just act arrogant, don't tolerate any sort of disrespect in the slightest, be a general asshole and people will stay out of your way. If anyone comes to you with any sort of battle proposals, just tell them you're busy and to run them by you later."

"Anyone I need to worry about avoiding?" I took a wrong turn on purpose to make the journey longer and give us more time to talk.

"One of King Zelrox's messengers is a nosy little prick in the simplest of terms. Ever since the Shadow was killed he's been promoted and is taking his job very seriously. No one likes him at all considering he's a giant snitch. Unfortunately, he seems to have adopted our General Baron as his new best friend."

"Does our General like him?"

"Not one iota." I breathed a sigh of relief. I was starting to like this General.

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