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I don't own anyone/anything, but my OCs.
Some most things used are in Rick Riordan's books.
All rights to Rick Riordan.. I guess


         I tripped. And it hurt. "Addie, someone's going to find us!" Annabeth whispered loudly. The metal "clang!" of the trash can I tripped over echoed in the alley we were standing in.

        My name is Adeline Rogers. I'm six and a half years old. I'm just around five months younger than Annabeth.

"I'm sorry!" I say, "But it's not my fault!"

I was about to speak, when Annabeth silenced me. "Shush. Someone's coming." She said, "Someone.. not normal."

        "Well, hello there." A female voice said, "What are you two dearies doing here all alone?" There was a rather scary woman standing a few meters away from us. She had blonde hair and shocking blue, crazed eyes.

        "Uhm," I reply, trying to look at Annabeth for guidance. "We.. we..?"

        "We got lost." Annabeth says, "We lost our parents somewhere and we don't know where they went."

        "I can help you," She offered, smiling, looking even scarier. I hid behind Annabeth.

        "N-no thank you." She says, trying to feel behind her, gripping my arm.

        "No? Well then," She says, baring her fangs, "I guess I'll just have to kill both of you."

        "Addie! Over there! Now!" Annabeth commands, pointing, as she grabs a sharp piece of metal from the ground. I run over to where she was pointing; behind a rather large sheet of metal.

       "You're a good sister, protecting your sibling like that," The scary lady says, "It's such a shame I have to kill you both."

        Annabeth's sharp piece of metal drove into the scary lady's skin. She let out a pained scream, and scraped Annabeth's skin with her long nails. Annabeth flinched.

        They kept going on, and on, and on, fighting, and fighting, and fighting, until finally I got fed up.

        "Stop hurting my sister!" I yelled at the scary lady, as I threw the large sheet of metal I was hiding behind.

       Suddenly, the scary lady, all bloody and fang-y dissapeared. Not like, got up and left, but disappeared into thin air. All that was left of her/it was some weird dust looking thing.

      The expression my half-sister wore looked extremely surprised. Suddenly, she looked around. "Someone's coming! Go hide."

       Annabeth grabs some metal scraps and a hammer. She hides behind a trash can. I ran behind a garbage can, underneath a windowsill.

        "Someone's here Thalia," A boy's voice said, "I'm sure of it."

        "No one's here, Luke!" The girl named Thalia protested, "Let's go back."

       They walked over to where Annabeth was hiding, and I backed up, until only my eyes were visible.

Luke moves the sheet of metal which Annabeth was hiding behind.

"No more monsters!" Annabeth screamed, as she threw a hammer at them, "Go away!"

The boy named Luke dodged the hammer. Wow, nice reflexes.

"It's okay!" He said, reassuringly. The spiky-hair girl named Thalia looked too shocked to move. She still had her spear and scary shield out. "Thalia, put your shield away. It's scaring her."

That's when I decided to pop out. "What do you want?" I ask, looking up at them.

"Addie! Go back to your hiding place!" Annabeth commanded me.

Luke and Thalia looked at each other. Now, I'm not great at reading faces, but they looked really confused. I mean really confused.

"Hey, hey, it's okay." Thalia says, "We're like you."

"You are?" I ask, still suspicious. They could be right, but I don't want to risk it. You're probably wondering how a six year old knows all these things and stuff, but I'm a child of Athena. I was born smart.

"Yes." Luke replies, looking at both of us, "We are. We're-" he stops mid sentence, hesitating, "We're monster fighters. Where's your family?"

Annabeth's expression hardened. "My family hates me. I ran away. So did she." She gestured to me.

Thalia knelt beside Luke, and looked at us. "What're your names, kiddos?"

"That's Addie. I'm Annabeth." Annabeth replied, still eyeing them cautiously. I did the same.

"Tell you what," Luke said, reaching behind him, "We have something for the both of you."

We watched him pull out two bronze-goldish colored daggers.

"This dagger belonged to a friend of mine," Luke said, as he handed Annabeth one.

"Where is he now?" I ask.

"He's-" Luke's voice cracked, "He's.. not with us right now."

Luke hands me the other dagger, "We just found this one, but it's certainly interesting," Luke says, as I look at the blade. I saw Annabeth and I at the entrance of a tent. Luke comes out of it, and hands us something. Something Annabeth and I haven't had in days. Food. He smiles as he watches us eat.

The vision in the blade changed, and I saw Luke, but he had golden eyes. Behind him was an army of monsters. In front of him was a group of people. People like me. I didn't know how I knew that, but I just did. One of them had black hair and sea green eyes. His eyes were full of determination. Something had corrupted Luke. It's not the same guy that's in front of me.

I turned my eyes away from the dagger, not wanting to see any more. But Luke was right; it was certainly interesting.

"Daggers- knives are only for the quickest and bravest fighters," Luke said, like he just remembered something, "They don't have the power of a sword, but they're easy to conceal and to find weak spots in your enemies' armor. It takes a clever warrior to use one of these. I have a feeling you're both pretty clever."

"I am clever!" Annabeth says, happily.

"I'm clever too!" I protest. Thalia let out a small chuckle of amusement.

"Why don't we get back to camp?" Luke asks us, "We have food, water, and uh," Luke looks at us, again. This time, scanning us bead-to-toe. "Clothes that aren't ripped."

"Okay!" We say at the same time.

    "Wait.." Annabeth said, "You're.. you're not going to take us back to our families. Promise?"

    I took a pause in my steps, glancing at Annabeth, then looking worriedly towards Luke and Thalia.

Luke knelt down again, and put his hand on Annabeth and I's shoulders. "You're part of our family now. And we're not going to fail you, like our families did us. Deal?"

    "Deal!" We say, happily.

    And just like that, Luke got up, and led us back to their camp. I clutched my newfound dagger in my hands, as Annabeth and I followed our new little 'family' back to their camp for supplies.


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