Part XIII (second part)

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This is a note regarding the previous part and is focused on those who are not in my school.


Following the previous part, where it is the adaptation of Act 5 Scene 1 of The Merchant of Venice, I am going to give a bit of background information to you, as a reader (and follower, if you are), on Shylock's religion and the discrimination in Venice.

This play was set in the late 16th Century (around 1599), where Venice is a Christian-dominated society. As such, Christians are deemed superior to Jews. Jews in that period of time were constantly being ostracized by the Christians. They were being treated in an inhumane manner. As such, Shylock has been influenced by the society. Shylock hence desires to get his revenge on Christians. 

"The villainy you teach me, I will execute" ~Shylock in Act 3 Scene 1 in the "Hath not a Jew" speech.

Afterwards, in Act 4, Shylock has lost everything. With respect to this fact, we have changed Act 5, where Shylock is absent, such that he has been pressurized and he could not bear the fact that he lost everything, including his daughter, Jessica, whom he claims to be his "flesh and blood". Thus, we decided to make him commit suicide in our dramatization project. 

P.S.: It would be good if you understand the background/context after you fully understood the text. Then you will have a clearer understanding of our speech.

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