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April 5, 2022

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April 5, 2022

    Dear Simon,

    You did have an infection so the first round of the chemotherapy drugs had to be pushed back by two weeks. You start the next round of the drugs in two days on the seventh. You’re still playing around with our three children and you love spending time with Julia because she’s starting to babble now. I can’t believe she’s already six months old at all! It seems like yesterday we were bringing her home from the hospital after our surrogate gave birth to our daughter. Our family is complete, Simon, and I love our family so much. I’m surprised that you didn’t want a fourth child because only Alfred is biologically my son and I had talked about us finding another surrogate last night and we have a child using my sperm so two of our children are biologically yours and the other two would be biologically mine. I know that you count Alfred as one of your own and it’s amazing to see how much he loves you. He told me that he’s really concerned about you because they just started the tobacco and smoking unit in health class at his school. I explained that you’re getting treatment and that’s why you’re always so sick after you come home from the hospital after chemotherapy.

    I didn’t like seeing you feel so awful during your first round of chemotherapy at all, Simon. I knew that you were hurting physically and your stomach was queasy the entire time. I can’t say I can blame you when you tell me that you hate hospitals. You know that I hate them too.

I love you, Simon,



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