Chapter 1

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~December 31st~

"Come on! Hot guys, famous people! You'll love it!" Her coworker said, trying to convince her to work at the bar. "Besides it has to be all hands on deck tonight. Lucia and I can't do it by ourselves."

"You won't be. There's Don and Bruce at the bar. You just have to carry the tray and look pretty like usual."

"But we need an extra set of hands. Do you know what WWE is?""


"Well, Monday night Raw is coming to the bar tonight. You might meet the one."

"I'm supposed to go visit my family tonight for dinner."

"You can go tomorrow and I'll cover your shift."

"Yeah but Bryan misses me."

"And he'll see you tomorrow night. Please! We need your help."

"Why not ask Maria?"

"Because she is already at her second job." She thought about it,

"Fine but only if you cover me for tomorrow."

"Deal. Maeve, let me pick out your outfit. You should look really sexy for them."

"I'm going to work not get boned by some dude."

"Well Don said we should look sexy because-"

"Guys buy more to see us."

"Yup. So black dress and heels."

"And pepper spray under my dress."

"You worry too much."

"Sorry but it's the city." Maeve's friend rolled her eyes and walked away to let Maeve get dressed.

Maeve, Lucia, and Mari were standing by the bar grabbing drinks and food as it was handed to them. To their surprise, it wasn't just the RAW roster, it was the RAW roster plus their friends and dates. Seriously some of them had their partners with them from out of state. Maeve was the first one to move in and out of the lounge in five minutes. 

"Hey beautiful, get me a few beers for me and my buds." Maeve smiled and nodded.

"Sure thing." Maeve sped to the bar, grabbed the beers and went back to the group of men. "Here you go. Anything else?"

"Yeah, can I have your number?" Maeve blushed,

"Sorry but I don't give my number out to strangers."

"Well I'm Fergal but you can call me Finn. What's your name?"


"See? Now we aren't strangers anymore."

"Maeve Fitzsimmons?" Maeve turned to see Roman Reigns and his wife. "I knew it was you! Good to see you again sweet heart." Roman pulled Maeve into a hug and kissed her head. 

"You know this beauty?" Finn questioned as he looked at Roman then at Maeve,

"This beauty is my ex-girlfriend and one of my closest friends."

"You seem a little overly friendly with her and in front of you wife too."

"She's the reason that we met so it's ok. They grew up together." Roman's wife defended.

"I have to get back to work." Maeve ran out of the room and into the locker room for tranquility. She sat there and breathed until she was calm and Don found her. "Can I please leave early?"


"Because my ex is there and some guy is flirting with me and I don't want a fight to break out."

"You can not leave early but I will pull you from the room so you can work the floor. I'll ask Mari if they need an extra hand in there."

"Hey boss?" Don turned to see Bruce standing in the doorway, "A few guys are asking for Maeve."


"Uhm, a Joe and a Fergal or Finn."

"She's busy."

"Sir, I wouldn't make them wait. They're our guests of honor."

"Damn it. I want to speak with them first." Don walked out with Bruce behind him and made his way towards the two beefy men. "Hi I'm Don, Maeve's boss."


"Finn." They both shook Don's hand and waited for someone to say something.

"Maeve became nervous seeing as you two know each other and are wrestlers. She was worried a fight would break out."

"No sir. We keep our fighting in the ring. I was just telling Finn that he better respect Maeve or would be an issue." Maeve was watching them talk from the locker room, when Joe saw her. "Maeve come here please." Maeve walked over to Joe, "Nothing to be afraid of baby girl, Finn likes you and I'll protect you if he acts up."

"Thank you Joe."

"Since she's better and Jenna is on her way, Maeve why don't you go hang out with them?" Maeve nodded, taking off her half apron and following the two men back to the room filled with half drunk men. Finn took Maeve's hand and brought her to a private corner where they could talk.

For hours, they talked about everything to get to know each other better. Finn even snuck in a few kisses from Maeve before he suggested that they go back to his hotel room. Maeve agreed and left with Finn.

Joe watched as his ex lover left with the Irish man. Jealous didn't describe how he felt. He still loved Maeve although he is married with children. 

"Baby? Are you ok? You've been staring off into the distance for a while?"


"Did Maeve leave?"


"With Finn?"


"You can visit her tomorrow. She's a big girl, she'll be fine."

"But it's him and-" His wife cut him off,

"And Maeve can handle herself. Now let's enjoy ourselves." Joe gulped his beer while his wife smiled at him. "Good boy." She leaned across the table and kissed him.

Behind closed doors, Finn and Maeve were doing the "horizontal tango" as Maeve's mother called it. This wasn't normal for Finn. He wouldn't just take a random girl that he just met back to his hotel room. But Maeve was perfect. Her long, brunette hair and ocean blue eyes mesmerized him from the moment his eyes landed on her.

After Finn fell asleep from their "work out", Maeve quietly left the room. No note, no way to find the girl who caught his eye.

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