Chapter 9: Storm Skies

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This dream again, I'm in a boat this time. People around me were taking care of the wounded. I'm just there. Sitting, writing, and talking to myself.

I'm holding a book, some sort of tome, maybe. I took a small chest from underneath my chair. I put it in the chest together with a journal of some sort. I put my hand on the lid and hesitated to close the chest. Another hand came from behind me, I looked behind and a woman with jet-black hair was there. She closed the box and whispered to my ear. "Don't worry. It will be found, in time."

Another hand came from the side. I looked there and the silver-haired girl was there this time. She took the chest from my hands and calmly said "I'll take care of it. You just rest."

October 22, 11 NG - Signal Tower

I woke up teary-eyed. My throat was dry, so I drank the glass of water I left on my bedside table. The morning was cold and dark. Must be the Low Pressure Area passing through. I got up and checked the time on my phone. It was 6:51 am now. My first class for today starts at 7:45. I went to the bathroom, brushed and showered quickly. I got out and dried myself with the towel. I put on my underwear and some shorts and went to the kitchen for breakfast.

The breakfast today was hotdogs, sunny-side-up eggs, and garlic fried rice. My favorite set of breakfast. Seems like my mother was the one who cooked but she wasn't anywhere to be seen. I quickly munched on the food and washed my dishes.

I went back into my room and locked the door. I chose to wear a dark blue polo and black slacks complete with my favorite black hooded military parka. I put the phone in my pocket and took my shoulder bag with me. I got out of my room and went to Lisa's.

I knocked once and twice but no one answered. I tried calling her phone and she answered on the third ring.

"Lisa, you awake?" I asked.

"What do you mean? I've been awake for thirty minutes now."

"Then why aren't you answering your door?"

"I'm already out of the house. I woke up early because I had to practice for a play."

"Oh." Sudden realization of stupidity. "Then where's Mo- I mean Mia?"

"She said she had to go somewhere. She left before me."

"Okay. Bye." I hung up.

I went back down to the kitchen to fix up the remaining food left on the table but Jill already did. She was sitting on the table now, probably waiting for me.

"You already ate your own breakfast?" I asked.

"I already have." Jill replied.

"Then let's go." I opened my left breast pocket and Jill went inside. Kind of like a baby kangaroo in its mother's pouch. I went to the door and picked up a folding umbrella. I put on my black leather shoes and went out the door.

I got to the elevator and pressed the underground parking lot button. The elevator went down smoothly without anyone else getting on and I quickly got down. As usual, most of the parking space was empty. I looked over to my mother's personal parking space and noticed that her car too was gone. I then glanced towards the family SUV, which would obviously be there. I went to my bike and started it. I took the helmet out, put it on and went directly to the gate. It did the usual profiling and I said my password and got out of the underground parking lot.

The sky ahead was dark and I noticed that sooner or later it will rain. I went pass the entrance to the tower and was just about to speed away when I saw Luna at the bus stop. She was wearing a white jacket on a yellow shirt and a frilly skirt. She seems to be the only one waiting there. She then glanced toward me and I motioned for her to come to me.

New Generation Magic and ESP: The Magic of the Moon.Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя