Chapter 2: The so-called Successor

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The world around me was shaking. People were shouting, crying, running. I was issuing orders to people around me. I looked at the crowd and I saw a silver-haired girl. She wore a white plain dress that made her look completely out-of-place in the ongoing chaos. She stared at me while saying words that I cannot hear.


The alarm...


I wonder what's new today...


All right..., Time to get out of bed.

October 21, 11th NG year - Apartment 3018 Signal Tower, Manila

As I got out of bed, I went to my own bathroom and brushed my teeth.

Knock, knock.

"Big bro, you awake now?" said a girl as she went into my room. I could see her reflected from the bathroom mirror. A middle schooler wearing a middle school uniform and a joyful look on her face, my little sister, Lisa Aoi Blake, Aoi means "blue" in Japanese. She was named as such because she was born with blue eyes already and that our mother was Japanese. Caucasians are usually born having a different eye color which changes to blue as they grow up. Lisa's eyes never changed.

"Yu, am en da batrum" I said while brushing which is actually "Yeah, I'm in the bathroom"

"Is there something wrong with you?" she said as she went to the bathroom door. "Oh, you're brushing your teeth, I thought there was something wrong with you since-" she stopped speaking since I made a stop sign with my free hand.

I rinsed my mouth and said "What happened this morning?" Normally she would just cook by herself in the kitchen or be in the living room watching the morning news while I was fixing myself up. But she went in my room...

"Didn't you get Mom's message, it said she'll be here this afternoon!" Our mother Mia Aikawa Blake works for a big-shot company and is the Research Division Head. Our mother is either in another country or in another country. So it was Big-Foot-and-Yeti-Sighting-rare for her to come home. The last time she's been here was about 8 months ago. I checked my watch, 6:30. I didn't like talking about my mother so I changed the subject. "Have you cooked breakfast already? Or is it my turn to cook?"

"Nope, you cooked dinner last night so I've already cooked for breakfast." She replied. We do all of the chores including laundry in rotation. If I did breakfast, she would make dinner. If I did laundry today, she would do it tomorrow. We both clean the house on Saturdays. My familiar Jill, always help though.

"You've already eaten breakfast, right?"

"Yeah, I already have..."

"What about Jill?" I inquired. . Jill is my familiar, a fairy. Familiars are normally gained by mage's when they reach a certain level of spiritual maturity. Normally you have to summon your own familiar, but Jill appeared to me one full moon in some kind of white egg made of light about the size of my head. Inside was Jill, she was like a small human with tiny wings that looks like light. We made our contract then the same night, and I had a mark appear on my arm that proves partnership.

"She's still asleep. The full moon from last night must have drained her." she said. A full moon weakens some familiars but strengthens others as well. Jill must have had an overload of power last night.

"Then go to school already, my first class for today starts at 8:30. So it will be a while before I go to the university."

"Well, at least be at the door when I leave, so I can say Itikimasu like mom and dad used to." Her face suddenly got sad. The mood gets lonely whenever our dad is mentioned. Jameson Blake, our father, used to be in the FBI, or so he said. After we moved to the Philippines, Lisa was born, and he applied for the National Bureau of Investigation, the PH's equivalent to FBI. He was quickly accepted because of his work history. After a year, he was murdered by a notorious gang lord because he snooped around too much. They didn't have enough to prove that he was guilty so they let him go, even though everyone on the entire planet knew he did it.

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