Chapter 3: The Mission

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"Don't stop running."

"Go to Arc, fulfill my wish together."

"I love you, my daughter."

October 21, 6th NG year -car park near Sheremetyevo Airport

The sound of a descending plane woke her from her sleep. The sun was clearly seen now. She had abandoned the black van from last night's grand escape far from the airport and had to walk barefooted to their rendezvous point, a small truck parked near the airport. There was a blanket on her. Her feet were covered with wool socks and there were boots on the ground.

There was someone in the backseat. She looked behind to see John Arcin. He was also only wearing a white shirt and pajamas. It looks like some people went after him too since he didn't have time to dress. At least he didn't get caught.

"Arc, wake up." she said while patting his leg.

"Err, what?" he said while he rose.

John Arcin Rivers or "John Arc" is an American in his early-thirties, blond hair, scruffy beard, and a 6'1 tall body that proves he's a black belt. He used to be a student of her adopted father. They met each other when John got lost in the forest while on his 6th grade camping trip. John collapsed in the forest when he fell from a low cliff. The Scholar then found him wounded and unconscious. He decided against his will, that he would help the kid. He knew that if he brought him to his home he would endanger himself by letting people know where he is. But he still helped him. When John came to, he had lost his memories. Conflicted, the Scholar had to train him for some time until he regained his memories. He taught John how to meditate, to use his innate abilities, taught him what he knew. It was about a year before John regained his memories.

John promised to the Scholar that he would not tell people of his location in return for taking care of him and teaching him what he knew. When John returned to his own home, he did not return as a stupid kid that got lost. He returned as a mature young adult. Because of his meeting with the Scholar he advanced his studies, and got a black belt at the age of sixteen. John would visit the Scholar in his vacations. He enlisted for the Navy at the age of twenty-two, and quickly became a SEAL. At the age of twenty-five, he was the best. John then met Luna when she broke into his house. John found Luna unconscious on his sofa. He recognized the glove the girl was wearing as the glove the Scholar had. Luna then told John of the mission they were given to find the successor and as to what happened to the Scholar. That was seven years ago.

"I think that was our plane."

"I noticed."

The plane that descended had "Philippine Airlines" painted on. Luna took a folder from under the driver's seat and gave it to John.

John passed me a paper bag. It had a sandwich in it. "It's breakfast" he said.

"Just a sandwich?" Luna asked.

"We'll just order something in the airport."


"My head hurts..."

"How do you think they found us?"

"Beats me, the ones they sent after me never even noticed I was gone."

"Your old pal Willy was with the team that went after me."

"Maybe he was the one who tracked us?"

"We should better get going now. Did you have to leave your stuff behind?"

"Yeah, didn't have enough time to pack up. What about you?"

"I lost it in the explosion." she said while munching on the sandwich.

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