"I-it never came up." I answered lamely.

He sighed, "Fuck Kitten, you need to tell me these things. It is my job to protect you. And for that I need to know your fears."

He sat down on the bed beside me and lifted me in his lap, so I was sitting sideways with my head on his chest and his back resting against the headboard. It was silent for sometime as he stroked my back. I observed my surrounding. I looked around to see a spacious room with black walls and white carpeted floor. There was a large TV just in front of the large King bed and a sitting area in the far corner with a couple of couches and a coffee table in the middle. There was also a desk towards the opposite side of the sitting area, with a laptop and what looked like to be a printer. It was obvious we were in his room.

"I also have nyctophobia (fear of darkness)" I whispered after some time, on the verge of tears.

He didn't say anything just tightened his hold on me. And his action broke the dam holding my tears at bay.

"I-I'm sorry" I blubbered as I hugged him tighter, "I know I'm a freak, I have so many disorders," I cried, "I'm so sorry, you're stuck with me. And it doesn't help that I'm fat. If you'd want to leave me I'd totally unde-"

I was cut off by his lips coming down on me hard. This was nothing like the previous kisses we shared. This was hard, aggressive, demanding. He pushed my mouth open with his tongue and entered without permission. He explored every corner of my mouth. His one hand was fisted in my hair, tilting my head as he wanted, and the other was circled around my waist gripping me tightly. While my hands were fisted in his shirt at his chest, trying to get myself closer to him. The kiss got harder. I couldn't breathe. I tried to push him away, but he only tightened his hold sucking on my tongue, tasting my mouth. I started to feel light headed. My lungs started to burn. When I was on the verge of slipping into unconsciousness did he pull away. I breathed hard. Inhaling as much air as I could. I looked at him to see him perfectly fine. His eyes black as he stared at me.

"What...?" I asked confused.

"Don't you ever say anything about me leaving you." He growled, "I want you just the way you are. And how you are is damn beautiful and so fucking sexy."

He ran his nose up and down my neck, and tinged shot through me. Making me feel hot and uncomfortable.

"I can smell you." He growled huskily as he licked the shell of my ear, "You're turned on.."

I went bright red at what he said. Oh God! Talk about embarrassing. I hid my face in his neck. This was so humiliating.

"Hey no need to be shy, Kitten. I like it immensely." He came closer to my ear until his lips touched it, "Good enough to eat." He chuckled throatily at my embarrassed and appalled squeak.I woke up the next morning with a smile on my face as I recalled last night. After talking for sometime, Hunter had walked me to my room and after kissing me goodnight, he had gone to postpone the announcement. Hunter hasn't agreed on my idea of announcing that he had found his mate without me being there. But he had conceded to waiting until next week. He also promised to be there with me at all times, never leaving my hand. That had calmed me a little. I looked at the time and realized I was going to be late if I didn't hurry up. I got up quickly, and after going through my morning routine I dressed in a lose pair of jeans and T-shirt. Tying my hair in a bun I walked downstairs. I didn't have time for breakfast so I just grabbed an apple and headed outside. Hunter was already waiting, leaning against his car. He was dressed as sexily as always, with a pair of jeans, white T-shirt and a black leather jacket. He also had on a pair of Ray-Bans. I greeted him as I stepped closer. And he answered by pulling me to him and giving me a deep kiss that sent shivers through out my body. After he let go I sat in the car and we were on our way.

I decided to ask him the question that had been nagging me for a while.

"Hunter...Cassidy is your sister right?" I asked quietly.

"Yes." He smirked, "I never told you about my sister did I?"

I shook my head no.

"Well Cassidy is more like my daughter than sister. After my parents died, she was my only family left. In fact, she was only born two days before their death. So I raised her as my own. You've met her?" He asked glancing at me. Probably waiting for me to pay homepage to his sister by the way he was talking about her.

"I haven't had a chance to get to know her yet." I finally replied.

He nodded but didn't say anything.

"So how old are you?" At my question he smirked and looked at me as he stopped the car at our destination.

"I'm twenty-six. But I'll stop aging soon."

"Why?" I asked astonished.

"The Mating." He answered, smirking as I felt my face go red.

I knew what mating meant.

I quickly got out of the car and sprinted towards the diner, his throaty laugh following me, making me smile.


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