Part 1

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Beneath A Casanova

Part 1

Even in a room full of other humans, he could see her clearly as if she were the only one there. He regretted that he could not distinctively catch her scent from the room full of other scents, but for the moment, he would be contented at simply catching a good gaze at her.

Strawberry blond curls flew against the soft breeze that came from the window, pushing silky hair away from a beautiful face. Sharp, intelligent green eyes were focused on something on the outside and the light of the room was not harsh on the perfect flawless beauty of her face. She had a sharp nose and strong jaw with a definite exotic feel to her face that no doubt always lured him.

She was stunning –and this was coming from a man who used to work with a famous fashion designer, staring at models after models with beautiful face and figures.

Non, he corrected himself. Not a man. A vampire.

He continued his silent assessment of the exotic chick who stood silently by the window, exuding an air of coldness that intrigued him. She was full with breasts and was fleshier than the usual model-thin women he saw on a daily basis while working as a designer. She had wide hips that he appreciated on any woman, and she showed off her curves well with her skinny jeans. Her legs… her legs were the wonderful quality that his breath was taken away by. That pair of legs were so long and slender, and that shin was beautiful enough to make a grown man like him cry.

Non, he corrected himself again with more insistence, slapping himself mentally this time. Not a man. A vampire.

This sad vampire had already lived for a little more than two hundred years, but he realized he had never seen beauty quite as exotic as this woman’s. He was still going through the list of pick up lines in his mind, trying to come up with the best one for this woman. He knew he had to know more about her. Maybe just even a name.

He wouldn’t live with himself if he didn’t find out her name.

His phone rang in the tense silence of the room, and some of the humans close to him jumped before sending accusing glares at him. He flashed apologetic glances, still not understanding the nervousness and tension of his fellow candidates.

Si?” He asked, doing his best to ignore some dewy-eyed looks some of the other girls were giving him. While he’d been aiming for that mysterious exotic girl, the other girls were aiming for him.

Well, at least he knew enough that his charm hadn’t faded off after two hundred or so years.

“Are the results out yet?” Vanda’s impatient voice came through the phone, and while the background was silent, he had a sneaking suspicion.

“Not yet. Is the entire Coven with you?” He asked, raising a brow. The others were making too much of a fuss over this. Granted, it was the first time a vampire was willing to step out into the human world to be recognized, but it was not his fault that he had lost a bet.

Besides, he thought he was being extremely generous by helping Vanda out, for the poor Director of Parthenon Entertainments had been desperate to find someone who could sing on short notice –and he was currently unemployed, having fired himself from the designing industry for a break.

“I might have invited a few friends to wait for news…” Vanda admitted, but the background was too silent for ‘a few friends’.

“I doubt about it being ‘a few’, mio Cara.” He laughed softly when he caught his own language coming out. He needed to stop dropping Italian phrases into his speech, or he would be on a one-way track of being cut out from the competition due to language barrier.

Beneath A Casanova {#1}Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang