- Seven -

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Ayato bored an annoyed face as he led you to the Ueno Club, whereas you had grown a curious expression. You two had been walking for around twenty minutes now, and you wore a [Favorite Color] tank top, along with a black jacket, black fitted jeans, and dark brown combat boots that were a size too big. The only thing that actually fit you properly were your underclothes and the jeans. But at least Kanon had something for you to wear.

Since the walk had been a little over twenty minutes now, you were starting to get pissed off. Very pissed off.

The lion-maned boy had been leading you down an alleyway for two blocks now, and you were tired of seeing the same dark, grimy brick and litter-covered ground. You let out a loud sigh and put your hands behind your head as you trailed Ayato. "Oi, Trash, when are we--"

"We're literally only five seconds from the place, little shit," Ayato cut you off. He took a few more steps before stopping in front of a door with a small, dimly lit neon sign right outside. You hadn't even noticed the door and the sign from how dirty they were.

You raised an eyebrow at the venue. "This is the Ueno Club?" You asked. Honestly, you thought that it would be cleaner than this.

You're companion nodded while opening the filthy door. You cringed at the unexpected noise from inside -- it was loud, with blaring music from inside, strobe lights darting around like giant, multicolored fireflies. Even though you were outside, you could still smell the soiled meat and sweat inside, making your nose wrinkle. But alas, Ayato went in, not even bothering to leave the door open for you. You sucked in a deep breath before sliding through the closing door.

Inside, the music was even louder, the stench was stronger, and the lights were dim -- it took a while for your eyes to adjust to the light, and when they finally did, your vision seemed clouded. Ayato seemed unaffected by the most part, and he let out an irritated groan and grabbed your wrist, leading you through the crowd of ghouls that were dancing, talking, making out, and drinking drunkards' blood.

Internally, you groaned. It's only seven in the morning... you thought to yourself. How can this possibly be happening right now? But the deeper, you trekked, the more you decided not to question it and just let the matter fall into their own places.

As Ayato led you, his grip on your wrist tightened. And with the combination of his tight grip and the bodies bumping against you as other ghouls danced, your wrist was starting to ache to the point where you ripped your arm away from him the moment a clear spot opened up along the wall.

The moment you pulled away from him, his head whipped around, cold indigo eyes burning into you. "What are you doing?" Ayato spat out, scowling.

You rolled your eyes. "You don't need to hold onto my wrist so tightly," you remarked. "Just lead the way, and I'll follow you."

"What if you get lost in this hellhole?" Ayato pointed out. "Then we won't have any way to get into these private rooms. No private rooms mean no way for you to train me. No way to train me means no touring around the world for you."

You silenced yourself. To be fair, he did have a point. But you weren't going to let your side o the argument die down. Pride was your choice of a sin.

"Trash, I can follow you, and I won't get lost. I promise."

Ayato raised an eyebrow and gritted his teeth. "You sure, you fucking sh--"

"I'm positive. Just lead the way."

The indigo-haired male let out an irked groan. "Whatever," he muttered before turning on his heel and darting off quickly. You rolled your [Eye Color] eyes before taking off after him. You took his quickness as a sign of challenge, seeing if you could keep up with him.

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