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After delivering the new ghoul you had found to your father, who was in his study when you found him, you heaved out a sigh and headed up to your own room in the house to wait for the other ghoul to wake up, and for your father to sort things out.

Your ghoul community in the 18th Ward didn't get many visitors, but when you did, most of them were either ghouls who wanted to join the community or were looking for peace and quiet. The 18th ward was known among the ghouls of Tokyo for being relatively peaceful, despite the fact that the CCG were still wary of a few streets. Those few streets were hunting grounds, but they didn't belong to your community.

A sigh escaped your lips as you fell onto your bed, flinging your mask aside. You were drained after that short fight with the new ghoul, but you were also content.

It was nice to have a little action for a change instead of doing the same thing every week. Even though you loved the peaceful ward you were currently residing in, you hated how bland it was. You and the other ghouls of your neighborhood were careful enough about not revealing your true colors. In fact ,everyone was quite good at hiding among the humans. But you hated the easy lifestyle. There was nothing exciting. Dull was a perfect way to describe it.

The new ghoul you had met was a nice change of pace.

But still, there was something odd about that ghoul. You couldn't really place your finger on it. Maybe it was the power he had? Or maybe his looks? You weren't exactly sure, but something was off about him. And you had a feeling that you would have to get involved.


Nearly two hours later, you were awoken by the sound of knocking on your door. "[Name], your father calls for you!" A familiar voice calls from outside your door.

You groggily sat up, letting out a short yawn. "What for?" You shouted back sleepily, though you were starting to fully awaken. Your [Eye Color] hues glanced over at the digital clock that was on your bedside. It was currently one in the morning, so there was no natural light pouring into your windows. The human members at the end of your neighborhood were probably sleeping, but knowing the ghouls that lived in the area, most were probably awake, but not doing anything that would expose themselves.

"I don't know," the voice replied, sounding a bit confused. "[Father's Name]-sama instructed me to wake you. He needs you in his study!" You could now hear the voice clearer now, quickly identifying the owner. It was a subordinate and classmate of yours from school.

You sighed as you ran a [Skin Tone] hand through your wild [Hair Color] locks. "Tell him to give me twenty minutes, and I'll be there."

"Yes ma'am!" The subordinate answered back before running off. You could hear the tapping of her feet as they scurried away to locate your father.

Meanwhile, you stood up and headed to your closet door, wanting to change out of your dirtied clothes. You chose a [Favorite Color] long-sleeved shirt (despite the heat outside), along with black shorts.

You had to move quickly, needing to shower and be ready in twenty minutes. That wasn't going to be easy with the dried blood on your legs.

It only took you ten minutes to shower, and another five to change and blow-dry your hair. Add another two minutes to brush it out so it was neat, and you were done. Soon after, you made your way to your father's office, curious of the near future. Was the ghoul going to react violently towards you? Was the ghoul even still there? Yes -- you could smell him, even from the other side of the door. But you were mostly concerned about what would happen to the other ghoul.

You knocked on the door of your father's office, announcing your presence. "Dad?" You called out apprehensively. "I'm coming in," you announced before turning the knob and pushing in the door. You stepped inside and quietly shut the door behind you.

Your father was seated on his office chair, facing the opposite direction. He was wearing his reading glasses and had a pen behind his ear. Sitting on the study's dark brown leather sofa was the other ghoul, who immediately narrowed his eyes at you. He let out a low growl at the sight of you.

However, your father shot him a look. "Easy there, kid," he ordered as you took a spot along the wall, crossing your arms as you waited for them to begin the meeting. Your father then glanced to you in acknowledgment before turning his attention back to the other ghoul.

"You may now leave, young man," he ordered the boy, nodding his head towards the door you were standing by. "But if you dare cross on our territory and disturb us..." He warned, flashing his eyes so that they showed his kakugan before returning back to their regular [Eye Color]. "Now go. A subordinate will escort you out of our territory."

The younger male scowled but left willingly. He slammed the door shut behind him, making the picture frames along the wall clatter for a moment before resting again.

You raised an eyebrow at your father and moved off the wall to the ghoul's former position on the sofa. "So what's the deal with him?" You inquired. "Are you putting any watches on him?" You asked, hoping to get an answer instead of questions thrown at you like he usually does.

Being the leader of a ghoul community meant that your father had power, and with that power, he was able to gain respect. Yet he was also extremely vague when giving orders, which usually confused not only you, but it confused everyone.

To your dismay (but unsurorisingly), an answer was not what you got. "It has come to my attention that you're bored," your father stated, cocking his head to the side and removing his glasses.

You let out an exasperated sigh. "I'm often bored. Haven't I complained about this to you a hundred times already?" You fired, slightly irked. "What are we doing with the troublemaking ghoul?" You attempted to bring your father back onto the topic of the conversation.

But your father continued ignoring your questions. "[Name]-chan, are you bored with your current residence in this ward?" Your father asked you out of nowhere.

You knitted your eyebrows together, confused on where this was heading. But the answer to you? A definite yes. "Well... I guess..." You said, trying to seem modest about it as you looked down at your hands. Obviously, you didn't want to hurt your dad's feelings. He did a good job raising you without your mother, and you didn't want to leave him if it would cause him so much pain.

That was not the case to your father. He let out an irritated sigh. "[Name]-chan, I need a straight answer. Yes or no only."

"Yeah," you answered quickly. "But why do you ask? I mean, I've said this a million times already, but why the sudden change?"

Your father simply shrugged. "I'm assigning you to surveillance over the boy. It'll give you travel experience, and we need information on his skills; he has the potential to become a valuable asset," your dad explained. "Make sure that you don't get tailed, and be careful. I don't want you getting involved with ghoul gangs and the CCG," he warned. "Are you willing to take this assignment? I will, of course, provide all information of you accept this."

"I..." You started, only to doubt yourself.

Yes, you wanted to go and see the world; even if it was just Tokyo. But no, you did not want to tail some troublemaking ghoul that tried to steal territory. But then again... Your father still hadn't given you details about the assignment yet. He was entering into what you called at a young age, Strategist Mode, which was when he would start thinking more like a military leader than a father or community leader. It scared you sometimes. Especially when he places surveillance assignments on both humans and ghouls.

In your community, reconnaissance was intense, not too unlike espionage. From afar, a ghoul that was part of your family's inner community circle (or in simpler terms: your personal, miniature, private army) would keep an eye on the ghoul or human put on a watch. It wasn't stalking; it was to obtain useful information – usually CCG information or blackmailing information. Or maybe it was recruitment. Your father was secretive of where the information went.

"Oi, [Name]-chan sweetheart," your father snapped his fingers in front of you, bringing you out of your thoughts. "I need an answer."

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