- Six -

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You didn't expect for Kanon to be such a pleasant host to you. Despite the disapproving looks she sends to Ayato, Kanon was relatively kind to you. The female ghoul had spent most of her night giving you a tour of her shop and home, and she had allowed you to stay in what she claimed was "the best guest room." For most of the night, she stayed in your room, measuring your head and body and shared a light conversation with you.

By the end of the night, you felt as if you had known Kanon since a forever ago, although you didn't doubt your earlier intuition. Kanon was a ghoul to be feared by ones weaker than you, and you had to keep your eye out for any attacks she might pull against you. You could just sense it off of her.

In the morning, you walked into her kitchen, let out a long yawn and sat down at her granite-topped bar, running a hand through bed headed [Hair Color] locks in an attempt to untangle them. It was early -- about six in the morning, but waking up early was already a habit for you (since you often had to pretend to be a human and go to school and all), but you didn't expect Kanon to have woken up before you.

"Did you sleep well?" Your hostess hummed, rounding the corner of the kitchen with a coffee mug in hand. "I'm assuming you didn't, with that tired look on your face." The corners of her lips twitched up in a small smirk, and she handed you the mug. "Here, have some coffee. Maybe that'll wake you up," she offered.

You gave her a small nod and accepted the coffee. "Thanks," you mumbled, eyeing her. For someone up so early in the morning, she was certainly very cheerful. "And I slept well, thanks for asking," you continued, taking a small sip of your coffee. Surprisingly, it was sweet and somewhat milky for coffee that seemed just black. It was delicious, and a smile creeped it's way onto your features.

Upon seeing the face that you showed when you drank the coffee, Kanon let out a small laugh. "You like it? It's my secret recipe," she explained, grinning.

"It's wonderful!"

Kanon clapped her hands together, joy radiating off of her in waves. "I'm so glad you thought that; I made it just for you, since I hardly get any visitors here."

You quirked an eyebrow. "Ayato dorsnt visit you often?"

The mask-maker let out a loud laugh. "Pffft, of course not! That shithead? Never. He never shows his face around here," she answered, doubling over in a laugh. "Wow, [Name], you're funny. I like you," Kanon stated excitedly before straightening herself and regaining her composure. Still letting out small chortles, Kanon leaned against her granite countertop and folded her arms. "So what's your plan for today?" She asked you, curious. "Gonna go hunting? Shopping? Terrorizing Doves?"

You raised an eyebrow. "Uh... No. No plans for that today," you answered quickly.

"Oh? Then what are your plans?" Kanon inquired, standing straighter and turning away to open the fridge nearby.

Your mouth opened to say something like, "I dunno," or "I'm not quite sure," or "It depends on what Ayato's doing." Because really, you weren't exactly sure what to do today.

But a somewhat irked male voice broke in for you. "We're heading to the Ueno Club today," Ayato said loudly. You froze at his sense of his presence being seated next to you -- he seemed calmer than his usual self, and you weren't particularly sure if that was a good thing or a bad thing.

"The Ueno Club?" Kanon echoed, drawing your attention back to her. She continued rummaging around her fridge before coming back up, holding two drinks: a can of coffee and a frozen latte for herself. She tossed the can to Ayato, who caught it and grimaced.

"You couldn't have gotten me one of the better drinks?" He muttered under his breath.

Kanon simply rolled her eyes. "You don't deserve the good stuff. Now split-- why are you going to the Ueno Club?" The mask-maker narrowed her eyes and crossed her arms. With her eyes narrowed, they looked like fox eyes, and a shiver ran down your back out of intimidation.

However, you wouldn't let Ayato answer at first because you raised a hand. "Pardon me, but what exactly is the Ueno Club?" Kanon didn't seem to approve of Ayato going to the Ueno Club, so that obviously meant that the Ueno Club was something... Controversial.

The older ghoul shot you a warning look, but she didn't hesitate to answer your question. "The Ueno Club," she started, sending Ayato another warning glare. Ayato just held up his hands in defense, shrugging. Kanon continued, "Is a special club especially for ghouls; it's a rave and a bar, I guess you could say. But it's mostly known for its fighting ring."

You furrowed your eyebrows. "Fighting ring?"

"The Ueno Club is ramous for its underground system with a whole bunch of fighting ghouls that train there, many of whom are way above Ayato's level of fighting," Kanon stressed, looking down at Ayato.

"And we're gonna go underground for training," Ayato said nonchalantly. "I'll just rent one of the underground rooms for training."

Kanon's head whipped around to face the young male. Your breath hitched. You didn't want Ayato to be murdered by Kanon right before your eyes -- you still had the world to see, and what would you tell your father?! You couldn't just let your mission target drop dead and return to your father in disappointment and shame!

"Oh no you won't," Kanon snarled. "Things have changed since you've last been there," she said, her voice low with anger. "I'm not gonna let you get beat up while you're down there because you still have payments and debts to pay me back," Kanon huffed, standing back.

Ayato waved off her anger. "Chill, Kanon. With [Name]'s fighting, I can get in. And not only that, but I might be able to get an "ukaku" membership level from the shithead Ueno club members," he retorted.

"Oh, and you think that [Name]'s fighting is the only way you're going to get in?" Kanon asked, rolling her eyes. "She'll barely survive the fight to rent an underground room."

You paled. "Do I get a say in this...?" You asked, concerned for your own well-being.

The two ghouls turned to your direction -- Kanon with fury in her eyes and Ayato with a cynical smirk -- And at the same time, "No."

A groan escaped from your lips, and you let out a sigh. You leaned against the countertop, your elbow propped up so that your cheek rested against your fist. This argument looked like it would take a while...

But you were wrong. The next time Kanon opened her mouth to speak, Ayato fought back with a growl, "I know that you don't exactly approve, but just remember: [Name] and I are simply guests here that are taking up space. You don't need to fucking worry or even care about us, so why are you caring now, you jackass?"

Kanon rolled her eyes and leaned back, crossing her arms. "Fine. Go get beaten up for all I care, Ayato. But when you come back either severely injured from those brutes that claim that they're ghouls, or if you meet up with Doves that are bound to find the Ueno Club one day, I'm not caring for you," she spat.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever," the indigo-haired male muttered, standing up to leave with his canned coffee. He popped the lid open and raised it to his lips, but before he could take a sip, he addressed you. "Oi, little shit," he called, irritated from his argument with Kanon.

You lifted your head to meet his usual hard gaze. "What is it, Trash?" You answered back, your voice monotone.

"Get dressed. We leave for the Ueno Club in twenty," he ordered before stomping back to his guest room.

You scowled. No one ordered you around. Who did this guy think he was? "I'm going to shower and get dressed, and we'll leave for the Ueno Club in thirty-five. No objections, deal with it if you've got a problem," you called coldly, discarding his former orders.

You could hear Ayato sharply let out his breath, and you knew that he was probably annoyed. However, before he could turn on his heel to reject your orders, you were gone. Out of your seat and already following Kanon back to your room, leaving Ayato standing in the hallway.

He hadn't even realized that you left silently, without trace. Sure, your scent was faint, but scents in Kanon's abode was always faint-- she was careful like that. But to leave without making a single noise and so quickly? It pissed him off, how you two were acting like ghosts now.

Ayato let out another sharp breath. "Shits," he muttered to himself before giving himself a small shake of the head. The indigo-haired boy shoved his hands in his pockets and departed back to his guest room.

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