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I can't believe the first time I'm traveling outside of the community is for surveillance on the troublemaker, you silently complain with the shake of a head as you pulled your hood up to hide your face. Your mask was shoved in your pocket because you didn't want to wear it in the growing sunlight, in fear that you'd get caught by the authorities. But then again, you didn't really need to cover your face at the moment. You were traveling atop rooftops, and the troublemaker was traveling between alleyways, looking for stray prey. Even though it was only three-thirty in the morning, you two had been traveling for nearly three hours. Needless to say, you were tired as heck, yet you still followed him to the 15th Ward.

Why did you even take this assignment? Yes, you'd been on many other assignments before, but this one felt different. With this assignment, you felt extremely nervous. Or anxious, to be more accurate. It felt like something foreboding was going to happen, but you were uncertain why. You let out a sigh as you continued to follow the troublemaking ghoul, half of your mind focused surveillance, the other half going through information your father had told you before you headed off.


"Yes," you finally answered your father after a long moment of silence. You erased all emotion off your face, except for your serious one, letting your father know that you mean business and he has your full attention.

"Excellent." He pushed himself back from his desk, to reach down and pull open the middle drawer on the side. He rummaged around but continued speaking to you.

You listened carefully as he brought out his orders.

"The boy's name is Kirishima Ayato, son of Kirishima Arata and younger brother of Kirishima Touka of the 20th Ward," your father informed you, "He is, so far, classified as an S-rating ghoul, unlike us, SS-ghouls. You need to keep an eye on him, but this time, your mission will be different--"

"How so?" You broke off your dad and cocked your head to the side. "How is this one different from other watches?"

Your father let out a brief, but irked sigh. "[Name], just let me finish first." You quickly shut your mouth, waving your hand for your father to continue. "Anyways, your goal this time will not just to seek information from afar, but also note out his skills if you get found out. If you need to, you may speak to him. And if you must, you may approach him, but if so, do not lose sight of him. We need as much information as possible out of him."

You allowed your eyebrows to raise, and you crossed your arms. Generally, most reconnaissance assignments wouldn't involve you or anyone to contact the ghoul or human on surveillance. Those assigned to the missions were strictly supposed to watch from afar, not interact.

"Why is he so important?" You wondered aloud.

"Don't dwell on the question too much." You pressed your lips into a thin line, shutting yourself up while your father continued to search through his desk.

"So..." you started again, breaking the uneasy silence, "When do I go take a watch on him?"

"Once he's escorted to the edge of our ward border."

Your jaw dropped. "So soon?!"

Ignoring your question, your father's eyes lit up once he found what he was looking for, but you were frowning. That would only give you thirty minutes to get to the border. You needed to follow them -- and fast. The sound of your father's chair sliding across the wooden floor took you back out of your worrisome thoughts. "Aha!" He exclaimed as he held out a pair of round sunglasses -- black with the lens tinted [Favorite Color]. "Take them. They were your mother's. She left them in her will."

You forced yourself to smile."Oh.... Thanks dad."

Your father shot you a grin. "Yeah, well... I figured you could use a new mask. I know sunglasses won't work all that well, especially in the dark, but just take them. You can get a new mask later."


A soft sigh escaped your lips as you lifted your hand to touch the sunglasses that hung from the neck of your shirt. You really did like the sunglasses. It's just the fact that they were your mother's.

You see, you didn't really like your mother. She was nice around you, sure, and she was loving and caring, but she was... what should you call it? Fragile? Hypocritical?

You despised her. Or more accurately, you envied her. Her kagune was powerful, but you unfortunately had inherited your father's weaker kagune. She was beautiful. You inherited her good looks. Everything physical about her was perfect.

However, her personality? You never understood her. She always said that she loved humans; she was the one that wanted you and your family and the rest of the community to try acting like them. But when it came to trying to protect her human friends, she sat off to the side, watching mercilessly.

Her hypocriticalness disgusted you. If you loved something, you should be loyal -- that's what you always thought. Yet, when the CCG went to go take her down, she fought back fiercely, as if bottled up hate for humanity -- the opposite feelings towards humans than what she felt -- spilled, and her true colors showed.

But backstory put aside, you had to turn your attention back to Ayato, who was looking just about done at the sight of two ghouls just right around the corner, fighting over what seemed to be fighting over territory.

You scoffed at the sight of that. In the ghoul community in your ward, this wouldn't have happened. Your father would have assigned different sections to different ghouls as territory, making sure it was fair and no suspicions would raise.

The indigo-haired ghoul just smirked and leaned against the wall, watching the other ghouls with an amused expression. To be honest, you were also amused by the two ghouls fighting below. It was a nice change of pace other than just watching Ayato for three hours straight. Ayato also seemed relaxed as he watched the two other ghouls in the darkness of a building's shadow. You both seemed to enjoy the show.

With a smirk on your face, you planted your combat boot-covered foot on the edge of a building, leaning forward so your elbow touched your knee. The fight was entertaining -- you couldn't help yourself.

That was a mistake. You weren't expecting such a hard wind to knock you off balance, making you unsteadily tip forward and fall down, right onto the two fighting ghouls.

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