Big Blues Chapters 82-86

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Big Blues

Chapter 82

The walk to the intensive care unit seems like a long one..I know the doctor said he's stable but I still feel nervous...I haven't been able to be with him for long & now I have to see my baby in pain..As we reach his room, I see another doctor examining him..The doctor turns around & tells us it's ok to enter..I walk up & gently grasp my sons hand. My beautiful baby boy..His eyes are closed so i'm not able to see his baby blue eyes but I can remember them from the first time he looked at me..It was love at first sight. The doctor tells us they still have some tests to run & they are waiting for the swelling to go down but our little man has made so much progress already. The doctor said they will take it a day at a time but depending on how well Bentley responds to everything we might be able to take him home sooner than later..I kiss his cheek & watch his eyes flicker a little. He knows it's me..His mama! The doctor tells us it's time for the baby to rest. Mike kisses Bent then we walk back to the room with hope..Maybe everything will be okay.....

"Mike" I turn to him nervously as we're walking back to our room.."What ended up happening to Alex?" Mike stops walking & his body language instantly changes..I know he was dreading that question..He doesn't even want to hear Alex's name..."Carrie..Alex suffered some serious injuries..But don't worry, he is under police surveillance in another hospital..They wanted to keep him far away from us.." As Mike finishes speaking I see the anger building up in his eyes..I grasp his face with my palms..."Baby everything will be fine..We are together now..Me, You, Pais, Aubrey, and even Bent! We're all here baby" I stand on my tippy toes & plant a soft his on his forehead..He flashes a quick smile & returns the kiss to my forehead before we begin walking back into the room to sit with our baby girls...

Big Blues

Chapter 83

It's been 2 weeks, 3 days and 14 hours since Bentley entered the ICU..We were able to take our baby girls home & they have been adjusting to their new room perfectly..We visit Bentley daily & rotate sleeping days to make sure someone is always with him. We've been waiting to hear when we can take him home but the doctor still says it takes time..As Mike & I prepare to walk to Bentley's room the doctor stops us in the hallway.."Mr & Mrs. Fisher, I have some good news & some bad news..." As he says that the worst thoughts flash through my mind. "Bad news first" Mike replies nervously..."Well...The bad news is you guys wont get to see my handsome face daily anymore..." He begins to laugh hysterically...Our doctor has been trying to lighten the mood for the past few weeks & he really thinks he's a comedian. His joke was so horrible it actually made us laugh along with him..."Ok & good news?" Mike smiles waiting for his response..."Good news is...It's time to take your beautiful baby boy home to be with his parents & sisters...I mean unless you guys wanna stay here & keep me company...Mrs. Fisher you could be my personal singer when i'm in surgery" He laughs again...Thank you so much Dr. but I think i'll pass on that offer.." I giggle..As we turn to enter the room the nurse is standing there holding a bright blue eyed Bentley...My baby is awake & they dressed him in the outfit Mama bought him..He's perfect! I walk over & hold my son & he flashes his pink gums as he smiles at his Mama...I instantly begin to cry tears of joy & Mike walks over & holds the both of us...He looks over at his Dad with his matching blue eyes & flashes a smile Mikes way..."Let's go home Son" Mike says with a big smile as we finally prepare to bring our baby boy home...

Big Blues

Chapter 84

"Wahhhhhhhhhh...Wahhhhhhhhh.." For the past twelve days i've heard nothing but crying. It's becoming like a song that's constantly on repeat. First Aubrey starts crying then Bentley follows and Paisley, who is the loudest begins and she ends up waking up the whole house...Mike gets up & tries to rock them to sleep but it takes both of us to calm the melody of cries down..As loud as my babies are, I love the sweet sound of hearing them cry. I wouldn't want to have it any other way. Once the babies finally fall back asleep I tell Mike i'm going to take a quick shower..He says ok then heads downstairs to watch some TV..I spend about 45 minutes in the shower. It feels so peaceful standing under the steaming hot water, I never want to leave..Finally I get out of the shower & take my robe off the hook in our room & wrap myself in it's warm fluffy cotton. I begin to head downstairs & stop at the first step as soon as I see rose pedals sprinkled on each step..."Mike?" What the heck could he be planning? I get to the bottom of the step & there are candles formed in two lines..I follow the candles to the dining room..As I enter I see two plates set up, candles & flowers everywhere & Mike standing by the table with a bright smile on his face..."Baby..What is all of this..OMG what is going on?" I ask nervously

Big Blues

Chapter 85

"You don't remember huh?" He asks as he inches his way towards me...He plants a gentle kiss on my lips & runs his fingers through my hair..I love when Mike plays with my hair.."No babe...What am I supposed to remember?" I stand there thinking about what it could possibly be..."It's our anniversary babe..." He kisses my forehead..."Oh...MY...GOD...MIKE!!" I yell loudly but instant quiet down once I think about the babies..Don't want to wake them up! "Mike baby i'm so sorry! With the kids, and everything that has happened..I...Oh i'm sorry!" I bury my face in my hands as my cheeks turn red..How the heck do I forget our anniversary? "It's ok honey..Really..It is! I've had this planned out for a while..I was just waiting for you to walk away for a bit..Just sit back & relax..I'll take care of you tonight! I want to make this night special for you!" I instantly feel butterflies beginning to flutter around my stomach..I've felt the same way about this man since the first day he hit me in the head with the freezer door & nothing's changed since...He pulls out my chair & I walk over to my seat..He begins massaging my neck with his big strong hands & I instantly become like putty in his palms...He leans in for a kiss but stops once we hear Aubrey crying on the baby monitor..."I'll get her.." I say knowing that moment was ruined...Then suddenly I hear her stop crying...I look up at Mike & he is smiling.."What are you up to?" I grin.."Don't worry about anything tonight..We have a baby sitter..." Once he says that I instantly sit up wondering who he is talking about...Who is upstairs with my babies?

Big Blues

Chapter 86

"Mike?" I look at him trying to read his mind..."Go see for yourself babe..." He smiles knowing I really want to see who it is...I walk through the house, up the stairs, & over to the babies room...I walk into the room & I see Ivey standing there holding Aubrey..She looks so different.."Iveyyyyyyy!!!! What are you doing here?" I jump up & down excitedly...I am always excited to see my best friend...I haven't seen here in months...She wasn't there for the babies births & things have just been so crazy we haven't been able to talk as much as we used to.."Carrie i've missed you so much! I hate that I haven't been there for you through the babies birth or through the whole thing with Alex...My God Carrie how are you? You've just been through so much!" She hugs me tightly & I embrace my best friend just as tight. I love Ivey so much & i'm glad to see her.."I'm just taking everything one step at a time..." I say flashing a smile reassuring her that everything is alright..."Ivey you look so...Different..." I notice she's changed a little bit & I keep looking at her trying to figure out what it is..."Carrie I actually have something to tell you...It's the reason I haven't been around for a while..." As she finishes her sentence my heart begins beating faster...What has she been hiding from me?

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2014 ⏰

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