Big Blues Chapters 18-23

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Big Blues

Chapter 18

"Jason!!" Amy runs to the boys room calling his name. He comes out very quietly. He looks concerned when he sees her face & notices shes been crying. "Honey, whats wrong?" He asks frantically...She grabs his hand & takes him to a back room to talk. Mike walks over to me & asks what happened. I tell him Amy just had a change of heart & she wants to talk to Jason. I decide not to tell him anything because Amy told me everything in confidence...It's not my place to tell Mike..."Wow" Mike says..He sits there holding me as we wait for Amy & Jason to return. They walk in with smiles on their faces holding hands minutes later. Amy gives me the thumbs up & Jason winks at me. Mike looks at all of us confused.

"Guys we've decided not to get hitched but instead start planning a wedding hopefully before our baby boy or girl arrives." Jason says.."Whatever makes you two happy makes me happy. Wait...Did you just say baby?" Mike laughs & runs over to his friends in excitement yelling congrats as he spins Amy around..We all begin to laugh..."How about we grab some grub & hit the beach?" Jason asks..Mike looks at me & smiles. "I'm down!" I say..Everyone agrees & we head to our cars..We stop at an in & out burger & then a local organic store so I could grab a salad & head to the beach.

Theres a crisp breeze blowing at the beach so Mike gives me his jacket. Jason takes a few blankets out of his trunk & spreads them on the sand. We all sit there gazing at the stars & listen as the waves crash onto land. It's beautiful. It's peaceful. It's perfect. "Carrie.." Mike whispers into my ear as he hold me tight. I turn to look into his eyes. Even on the darkest night his big blues shine brightly like one of those stars we were gazing at. "Yes Mike." I say "I really want to get to know you..There's something that draws me to you..I want to get to know what makes you happy, sad, angry & what makes you laugh." He says..."I would like that very much Mike. Its so easy being myself with you. I love that you don't make me feel like a celebrity but instead a regular country girl." He moves in closer & kisses my forehead. We sit & enjoy the cool breeze & beautiful beach view.

Big Blues

Chapter 19

"Alright yall I have a flight to catch tomorrow morning. This has been an amazing night." I say..I would've stayed later but Mike kept me up the night before so I really needed some rest.We begin to pack up & give our hugs goodbye. I tell Jason & Amy they should come to one of my concerts if they can. I give them my number & tell them if they need anything call me. If I don't answer just have Mike give me a call. I tell Amy to call me anytime & we all go our separate ways. I fall asleep in the car on the way home. It feels like hours later when Mike wakes me up but its only 2am. "Beautiful, we're back at the hotel." Mike says..I open my eyes & do a quick stretch. "I had a wonderful night Mike." I saw with a yawn.."Me too Carrie. It was perfect." He replies..We hug & I head up to my room. Before I know it, i'm in my pajamas & I dive onto my bed. I smile & close my eyes...It truly was a perfect night!☺

Big Blues

Chapter 20

The Blown Away Tour is finally over! Weeks go by & Mike & I speak on the phone every night. We talk about American Idol, momma, poppa, hockey, sports, music & so much other stuff. Every week we discover something new about each other. I just learned that he is a mommas boy & he just learned that I wanted to be a veterinarian if I wasn't a singer. I love finding out new things about him & I think he enjoys finding out new things about me too. I'm glad I have time now to get to know Mike. Now I get to relax for a few weeks. Since the tour is complete. It truly was an amazing tour. I loved every state we visited. I walk into my room & lay on my bed. Gosh it feels good to be in my own home & not in hotel rooms. My phone begins to vibrate & I don't even look at the number because this is usually the time Mike calls.."Hello Big Blue" I say.."Carrie?" A familiar voice calls my name..."Alex?" I say..."Yes C its me. Alex." He replies...

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