• Six •

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Here I am at Chester's funeral. Wow, I never thought I would be saying that at this age. Well, I never thought I'd be staying that at all. I was actually hoping I would die before him so that I wouldn't be in this position.

I stood at the back of the room with Michael at my side, rubbing my back. It was the viewing at the moment, and everyone has said their last goodbyes except for me. I couldn't bring myself enough strength to. And I thought that being told he was dead and seeing him being carried away by the medics was hard, seeing him at his own funeral is even worse for me.

"Why don't you go see him before it's too late. He would want that." Michael whispered in my ear. Michael had already went up to see him, but he ended up breaking down and sobbing. He gave me a slight nudge to get me to start walking. It felt like everyone was staring at me as I walked up to the casket.

"Breathe, Mackenzie, Breathe." I kept saying to myself. The last thing I want is to pass out and have this become both of our funerals. I have to stay strong for him, and myself.

As I took in the sight before me, it seemed as if everything stopped. It was just Chester and me again. All the memories came rushing into my mind. Our combined birthday parties, Christmas, that day one of the jocks picked on me for being a nerd and Chester beat the shit out of him. It was always nice to have him around.

My aunt and uncle dressed him up in his football jersey. I told them that would be best because he wore it all the time and he wasn't really one for being formal. They had also brushed his hair down to cover the wound.

"Hey big bro." I whispered. I don't care if people listen in, I love him and I will say whatever I need to say. "To be honest, I'm surprised I came out of my room. I was living in there like I was turtle and it was my shell." I laughed, trying to push back the tears so that no more would stream down my face.

I placed the picture of us at our 16th birthday with both of us having cake smashed on our faces. After our 14th, it became a tradition between us. "I want you to keep this, I made a copy anyways so that we'll both have one. Aunt Jenny and Uncle Gavin are coming to live with me now." I sniffled trying to hold back more tears. God, this was hard. "We took everything out so that we can turn it into a guest room. Like hell if I'm going to let anyone sleep in there. I'd rather tell them to sleep in the fucking bathtub." I wiped the tears that were falling and looked around to see if they were starting, which they were getting ready to.

"Well I guess this is it." I let the tears fall this time. I felt a presence behind me. I looked over; It was Calum. He rubbed my back while he cried as well. "I love you, Chester. See you soon." Cal guided me to our seats as the priest began to start.

We had buried him about an hour later. Right next to Mom and Dad. That was when I broke down. I also broke down while giving my speech. Michael had to come save me and bring me back to my seat. All of us were a wreck. We all cried, Me, Michael, Calum, Ashton, and even Luke.

I have my grandparents staying with me as well as Jenny and Gavin. I want to go home, but I don't. I just don't want to be around them because I know my grandparents will bring up stuff I don't want to talk about. That's always how it is.

I had decided to go home and change into a plan black tank top, some skinny jeans, and my Green Day hoodie. I slipped on my ratty old converse and went for a walk. Maybe that's what I need.

"I'm leaving! I'll be back for dinner!" I yelled going towards the door.

"Okay you don't need to yell, I'm right behind you!" I jumped at my uncles voice and laughed walking out the door. "Dork!" I shouted and closed the door before he could say anything else.

I plugged in my headphones and blasted my music on shuffle, not really caring about what song I listen to. "Give Me Love" by Ed Sheeran just so happened to come on as I continued to walk. I mumbled the words to myself as I arrived at the park.

I started to climb up my favorite tree and sat down on a sturdy branch. I closed my eyes listening to my music. I quickly made another playlist labeled "Chester" and added songs that reminded me of him. As I hit shuffle, "Story of My Life" by One Direction came on and I laughed. Whenever this would come on the radio in the car, he would purposely turn it up to an ear bleeding volume and sing along awfully to it and off key, making me laugh so hard I couldn't breathe.

I closed my eyes once again, but opened them soon after to feel water on my face. Oh great. Crappy weather to add to my crappy mood on this crappy day. Thanks so much, Mother Nature!

I climbed down and started to walk home. The weather became worse, so I pulled up my hood to protect myself from the pouring rain.

A car pulled up to me and honked the horn to get my attention. I pulled out my headphones and turned to see Michael with a stupid grin on his face. "I saw that hoodie and knew it was you." I smiled. "Wanna come over?"

"I can't I said I'd be home for dinner." I stood there becoming soaked. "Wanna ride?" It's about time Michael. "Obviously!"

Before I could open the door, he locked it. "You asshole!" That cheeky little shit. "I'll let you in, if you come over." "Michael, no. I have family over." He frowned. "Pwease Ken Ken." Not this. "You're joking right?" He slowly started to drive away before I gave in. "Fine!" I yelled. He stopped the car and unlocked the door. "Get in Señorita!"

We ran inside Michael's house and I noticed that we weren't the only people there. In the living room stood Calum and Ashton. "What is this? A Party?" I gave them each a hug and they laughed as well. "Nah, just though we'd have a movie night." I nodded. "Would it be okay if I invited someone?" They agreed and left me to call this "someone."

I rang up Luke and asked him if he wanted to come over. He said okay and I texted him the address. I then called up my uncle and told him that I would not be coming home for dinner, and that I would be staying over at Michael's.

"Hey Kenz?"


Calum looked behind him from the couch as I walked in the living room. "Did this mystery person happen to be the pizza guy, because I'm starving." This boy.

"No, sadly. Michael go order some pizza!" He groaned, but got up to order it. The doorbell rang, so I got up to answer it, knowing who it was.

I opened the door to reveal a wet-haired Luke and laughed. "Welcome." I let him in and he was greeted by the other guys. He joined in on their game of fifa being that Ashton didn't want to play, and we waited for the pizza to arrive.

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