• Thirty Four •

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- final chapter -

"Can you believe it? Our last day of high school." I said to Sydney as I pulled up to school.

"I know, it feels unreal." She looked around at the many teenagers walking into the building.

I pulled down the mirror and looked at my now faded bruise. It had been a week from the incident and it's like Dylan had disappeared since then.

We got out, taking our bags and followed the rest of the people inside. Today was pretty much a "get your shit and get out" type of day.

They had us all go to the gym for a school assembly for about an hour, but after that we cleaned out our lockers. I pretty much threw away everything in there, except my textbooks. Those I gladly threw in each classroom, never wanting to see them again.

"Will all year 12 students please report to the auditorium." The lady over the intercom announced. I found Syd and we walked together.

We found a seat and waited for someone to tell us what was happening. Our principal walked on stage and over to the microphone. "G'day students. As you all know, graduation is tomorrow." A loud roar of cheers erupted from everyone, even Sydney and me. She laughed, "Yes, I know you're all excited. Now we just need to pass out all your gowns and caps and you're free to leave."

Everyone lined up, waiting for their turn. "Name?" The lady asked.

"Mackenzie Lockwood." I replied and she checked her paper.

"Alright. Here's your cap and your gown size is a 6." She handed me a dark blue cap and pointed to the racks of various gowns to match.

"Thank you." I said and walked over, sorting through all the sizes to find mine.

I waited for Sydney to get her's and we headed back out to my car. "I can't believe this is all happening." I told her.

"Neither can I."

I dropped off Syd at her's and drove back to mine. To my surprise, the lads were over at my house.

"Hey there, almost grad!" Ashton cheered as I walked through with a million things in my hands.

"I honestly can't wait for tomorrow." I laughed. "So guys, it's been a week and I think it's time to tell you all something."

"You're not pregnant are you?" Michael chimed in, making everyone's eyes go wide.

"No! No no no. I'm not pregnant." I cleared up, not wanting them to think that.

"Okay good." He laughed. "Now go on."

"You're an idiot. Anyways, so um... I was accepted into Oxford Uni." I finally said.

Their eyes went wide, once again. "Oxford? Like the Oxford? In England?" Calum asked, shocked.

I nodded, confirming. "Holy shit." He said. "That's incredible!" He walked towards me and embraced me into a hug. "I'm so proud of you."

"Aw, Cal."

"So wait, what were you accepted for?" Ashton spoke up.

"Photography." I smiled. "If you want to look, I have a copy of my portfolio in my room."

"Of course I want to look! I want to see what got my Kenzie into Uni!" Calum cheered.

I laughed and walked up stairs to grab it. I trudged back down and set it on my table, opening it up and spreading out the photos. I laughed to myself as I watched the boys take fascination in the various photos of them.

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