23 - amusement park with tae

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Taehyung's POV

It's already 1:00 and I just arrived. I waited a few minutes then suddenly a voice called me

"Taehyung Oppa!"

I turned around to see y/n. Damn, she looks so beautiful in her outfit. I smiled at her then said

"That would be me."
"Hahaha, sorry I'm late. Did you wait long?"
"No not really, I just arrived a few minutes before you."

"Ohhh, I see hihi" she is so cutteee. I shrugged my thoughts off and asked her
"Shall we get going, baby?" I teased her and saw her cheeks reddened. Cuteee

She hit me then said
"Seriously so cheesy. Let's gooo!!!" She replied happily. I held her hand while walking towards the park saying
"Come on, let tour guide Tae lead the way"

Y/n's Pov

Tae showed me the different rides here in the park. We first rode the roller coaster which was really awesome!!! I really enjoyed it alot! We went on another few rides.

After riding, I saw this claw machine that had cute stuff toys. I pointed it and told Tae oppa

"Oppa, let's try that!"
"Sure! Let's go!" he replied and we went towards the machine.

I inserted a coin and for my luck, I didn't get it. I tried the second time but it didn't work. Then when I was about to insert the coin, Tae stopped me and said
"Nice try babe, but let me do it for you" he said and inserted the coin.

And to my surprise HE GOT IT!!!
"WAAHHH!!! Oppa that was daebak!" He smiled and handed me the stuff toy. I took the stuff toy and smiled at him and said
"Thanks so much!!!" I hugged him and felt him stiffened. I let go and said
"Let's go?"
He nodded "Y-yeah"
I laughed at his cuteness and we started to stroll around.

Until we got hungry. Tae oppa lead me to a restaurant. It was so beautiful it had a cute design. We ordered and found a great spot near the window. We sat down and I asked him

"Oppa can you take a picture of me?" He smiled and said
"Yeah, sure" I gave him my phone and I posed while holding the stuff toy. I heard a click and he handed me my phone
"Kamsamnida Oppa!" I said while smiling at him
"Don't mention it" he said with a wink. Omyghad my heart

While waiting for the food we talked about random things. Like how he has an elephant in his body. I was confused and he showed me his arm. He had two moles. He touched the space between them and it did looked like an elephant.
I laughed at his cuteness. Then, the food arrived.

"Itadakimasu" (let's eat) I said and began to eat

-time skip brought to you by jungkook's abs in fake love (heuheu)-

"Wahhh I feel so full eating all that food hahaha" I said
Tae just laughed at me.
"Let's go to that store." pointing at the store that looked like a souvenir shop
"Sureee!" We went inside and it was full of cute stuff toys and headbands! There's a bunny, dog, cat, hamster and many more. I got excited and went to the headband section. I looked at the headbands and chose the bunny ears. I called Tae

"Taehyung Oppa" he turned around and I put the bunny ears on him.
"Aigoo~ Kyeoptaaa!!!" I said and he smiled
"Then, I'll choose one for you too" I observed him looking at the headbands and he picked the cat. He put it on me. And I started to act like a cat
"Meow~ neko neko niii~" He giggled at me.
"Seriously, you look so cute in everything" his statement made my cheeks reddened.
"Heee~ you blushed how cute~"
"Shuttap! Pfttt" I said and he just chuckled. Then we looked around the shop.

We got out of the shop wearing the headbands that we chose for each other. We also bought cute keychains for each other

Since I really love cookies and milk I chose it ❤ and Tae agreed with it

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Since I really love cookies and milk I chose it ❤ and Tae agreed with it. And the remaining time, we just went on taking pictures and strolling around.

It was already 6 pm. Taehyung decided to drop me to my house.
"No no, it's fine. I'll be okay by myself"
"Nah, it's already late. Come on"
"Fine, if you insist then"

We went to his car and he opened the door for me saying "Milady"
"Hahaha seriously" I got inside and he closed the door for me. He went in the car and started it.

-time skip brought to you by yoongi's gummy smile-

"Y/n. Y/n, wake up we're here" I heard Tae. I opened my eyes and realized I fell asleep during the ride.
"Oh, ummm thank you so much for today and for driving me home" I said while smiling at him. He caressed my hair and said
"No need to. Thanks for hanging out with me too"
"Well, I better get going. Bye!" I said and went out of his car going towards my house and waved him good bye as his car left.
I felt my lips turn into a smile.
He sure is a great guy.
I mumbled and went inside the house straight to my bedroom

 I mumbled and went inside the house straight to my bedroom

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