Chapter 38

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Our eyes connected, his brown my hazel. His was blank, emotionless. Mine was sad, pained, hurt. All three words described how I felt.

Rest in Peace, Julie.

Well I hoped she did, she didn't die peacefully. I had hoped that I wouldn't ever have to see her die. She couldn't have ever replaced my mother but at least she had been there for me.

That's all that counts.

My knees gave out and I crumbled to the ground. I didn't move I stared at the ceiling. My throat constricted, my lungs felt like they were on fire and I flailed to breathe.

My whole body was trying to live, to breathe. To get any amount of oxygen. I didn't know why I couldn't breathe I just couldn't.

The room spun and my vision became blurry and then there was nothing.


I flew up off of the bed and cried in desperation it was only a dream. It was just a dream. It felt so real, it was as if I had experienced it.

The dream was so vivid, so realistic. It was unearthly. I ran out of my room and down the stairs to be met with a stranger standing in the kitchen.

It appeared to be a young woman with hair colored exactly like mine. The chair spun around and I screamed. I flung back from the sight.

It was me.

No it was Velencia. How was she alive? This can't be happening. She's dead, Klaus killed her centuries ago.

I'm just hallucinating, I'm crazy.

She walked towards me and smiled evilly.

"I saw that we haven't properly met yet. So I thought that I could introduce myself. I'm Valencia, ex-queen of a kingdom that no longer exists. I also happen to be your ancestor/ doppelgänger but I'm sure that you know that already" she said while sipping from a glass of red wine.
My red wine that had been in the fridge.

"First off you break into my home. Second you drink my red wine and thirdly you have the audacity to do all those things and casually introduce yourself" I yelled at her.

"You remind me of myself when I was human. Maybe that's why Kol likes you. Mmmmm, Kol, how is he doing these days?" She asked cockily.

"He's none of your business."

"On the contrary he is, Clara. We were lovers once. One of the reasons Klaus beheaded me. Typical, just like Anne Boleyn, now she was a bitch. By the way thanks for the wine. I'll see you around Darling" she said while opening my door and leaving.

I had to call Kol right now.

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