Chapter 24

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"You were born to die Clara!" The voice screamed at me.

"No leave me alone" I screamed as I clutched my head. I've been in my room all day. My father hasn't come back from his trip yet. So I'm all alone.

I'm so scared. I've been hearing a voice yell and scream things at me. I had a horrible nightmare last night.

Rebekah laughed at me as Klaus killed me and told me that I was born to die.

Born to die

I was a doppelgänger.

I was the spitting image of Velencia. Did that mean that we were exactly alike. Did we act the same? Was I destined to die by the hands of Klaus.

This was supernatural. Twins existed but doppelgängers didn't.

They do exist my consciousness told me.

This was crazy all of it was. Maybe I was hallucinating. I sat on my bed when my phone started ringing.

"Hello?" I said.

I heard heavy breathing on the other side and felt even more scared at the moment.

"You can't run or hide from me Clara," the person said with a British accent.

"See you soon Sweetheart."

Then I felt a horrible pain in my chest.

All of a sudden I looked down and saw a knife in my chest.

"Hello love" the man stepped out of the corner.

"Klaus" I gasped out clutching the knife.

"You see love I'm rather hungry. Could you help me with that" he said while standing in front of me with a cold gaze.

"Go to hell!" I screamed at him with all I could.

"I already am" he said then he flashed down and bit into my neck. I started to feel dizzy and slowly blackout.

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