"I mean, she already learned her lessons and we all want happy ending right? So Anastasia can stay here while looking after Mia when we are off to work and at the same time she doesn't have to go back to that jerk." Jimin explains, sounded like a Solomon.

Jungkoom scrutinized his eyes at the both of them who suddenly got closer overnight. He took in a deep breath and contemplated at his words before saying, "alright. I'll let you stay but with one condition."

"what is it?" Anastasia asked anxiously.

"Mia will never acknowledge you as her mother." Jungkook statement was firm and understandable that there is no point for any of them to fight back.

"but Jungkook, she's her mother afterall." Jimin went over to Jungkook and held onto his arm.

"Jimin, I don't understand why are you helping her?" Jungkook glared at Jimin, "she doesn't deserves for your care after leaving her husband and her daughter five years ago!"

"I know Jungkook. I know." Jimin slided down his hand and grabbed onto Jungkook's, "but helping people makes me happy, you want to see me happy too right?"

Jungkook's eyes soften, looking at Anastasia who stood by with watery eyes and back to Jimin who is in front of him, "fine. You can get close to Mia but I don't want to know all of a sudden, give her time and we'll wait for the best." Jungkook said at last, only to see Jimin mouthed 'thank you'.

"follow me to the room." Jungkook ordered Jimin before stormed off to Jimin's room as Mia was in the master bedroom. 

Before Jimin went out of Anastasia's sight, the girl grabbed his arm and thank him, only earning a smile and nod in return from the male.

Jungkook sat on Jimin's bed,  blood boiling upon seeing how his fiance was backing up his ex wife not long ago.

"are you mad at me?" Jimin who joined him in the room asked as he walked closer to the bed.

"am not," Jungkook sulked, looking away.

"you obviously are, Mr Jeon Jungkook." Jimin stood in front of Jungkook and crossed his arms like a mom.

"are you sure you'll be totally fine for having Anastasia staying here?" Jungkook let out a sigh as he looked up at Jimin.

"of course! I'm the one who wanted her to stay." he grins, showing Jungkook his billion dollar eye smile that catches his breath away.

Instead of uttering any single thing, Jungkook just stretched his arms to Jimin and pulled the older male close to him that his head is rested against Jimin's flat stomach.

"don't you show that face in front of anybody else besides me." Jungkook muttered.


"your killer smile."


"because it belongs to me, Jeon Jimin."

Both of the CEO went to work as usual today,  attending meetings and having lunch with clients, nothing special for the them but worn out.

As Jimin was swirling on his arm chair, trying to have a peaceful mind before a knock was heard.

"come in!" he said before seeing Yoongi walking into his office.

"hyung? What brings you here?" Jimin stood up from his seat.

"why? I can't visit my favourite junior?" Yoongi teased before placing a lunchbox on Jimin's desk, "eat if you're starving."

Jimin was amazed by how Yoongi can read his mind, knowing that he was already hungry although he ate few hours ago.  His face rose to a few hue of red as he and Yoongi sat on the couch.

Jimin opens his lunchbox to see all his favourite food were placed nicely in it,  luring him to gobble them down mercilessly.

"t-thanks hyung.." Yoongi just smiled, staring at how the younger hungrily eating up the food. Somewhere familiar in his heart ignite again, he stares at Jimin while he rested his elbow against the arm rest.

To Yoongi, even if there is someone else coming into his world to give him the entire universe, his heart will always be longing to have Jimin, the one and only noteworthy planet. He knows very well that even if Jimin is Jungkook's soon-to-be's wife, he will always have his heart beating for Jimin,  no matter what.

His thoughts were interrupted when someone suddenly barged into Jimin's office, "baby-" Jungkook stopped when he saw Yoongi was also in the office.

"hyung you're here." His face showing a thousand of unpleasantness.

"yeah, I bought Jiminie food." Yoongi straighten his posture, too see Jimin's munched his food while staring at both of the brothers.

"I'll be get going now." Yoongi stood up and was about to walk out when Jungkook grabbed onto his wrist, "can I have a word with you hyung?"


author's note:


What's your favourite song of their new album? Mines are Fake Love,  magic shop, undelivered truth and paradise! Let me know yours~

Hey you | Jikook ✅जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें