Chapter 31

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I stood on the roof of Stark tower. I have no idea what to do. I don't know how to get down from here... Then Loki joined me. A few moments later a man came down from the sky. He had blonde hair and a red cape. Hmmmm he dresses like Loki, this must be his brother.

"Loki, turn off the Tesseract or I'll destroy it!" Thor said.

"You can't. There is no stopping it. There is only the war!" Loki said.

"So be it." Blondie said. Then they started fighting. I tried to get out of the way. Didn't help me much. They ran into me and I fell over the edge. I managed to grab onto the 'A' of 'STARK'. It was one of the few letter that stayed on. I looked down as the 'R' and 'K' fell down.

Then I felt a shift in the wind. I looked behind me and saw a plane. My hair blew around me, I hope that they don't knock me off of this letter. Because that would not be fun. As I was buffeted by the wind, the door to the plane opened. I didn't move until I heard somebody shout to me.

"Adelaide?!" I heard. I looked over and saw Steve. He looked different. New outfit. I looked at him wide eyed. "I need you guys to get closer!" Steve shouted to whoever is piloting. It slowly moved closer as I slowly started to loose my grip.

Just as I started to fall I felt Steve grab me by my waist. He pulled me as the doors closed. He held me to him. "You're ok right?" Steve asked looking at me. I was about to answer but then the ship tilted sideways. Steve grabbed onto a handle and held me close to him. Keeping me from tumbling about in the plane.

We went airborne ourselves a few times before we landed with a sickly crunch. Steve looked at me. "Are you ok?" He asked at the same time I did. I gave a small laugh as he smiled. Then two people appeared. One was a woman with red hair, the other was a man with a bow and arrow.

"I hate to break this up, but we have a war to fight." The woman said.

I turned around smiling at them. "Right." Steve said, turning a little red. I giggled and kissed him on the cheek grabbed his mask and put it on him. I followed them outside. Steve turned to me. "You need to stay here." He said.

I glared at him. "No. You and I both know that I can help." I said forcefully.

"I don't want you to get hurt. I just got you back, I don't want to loose you again." Steve said walking away.

I smiled at and followed. "You won't, besides. Who's gonna make sure you don't get yourself killed." I said. Then we went into the fray.

It was definitely a war zone. I went around trying to heal people. I could only do so much. Because I'm terrible at healing broken bones, anything else is easy as long as is it's not too severe. But bones... not so much. I managed to stay with the three of them. They were fighting while I was healing people.

"There are more down there." Steve said looking down below us at the street.

"We got this. Go." The red haired woman said. I don't really know her name yet...

"You think you can hold them off?" Steve asked.

"Captain, it would be my genuine pleasure." The guy with arrows said. He shot one at the aliens and then Steve was off. He jumped off the bridge and some other things. A few explosions and he was there.

I sighed. "Show off." I said.

The two people smiled. "So who are you again?" The woman asked.

I grabbed a spear from one of the aliens and started stabbing and shooting at them. "I'm Adelaide. I'm his wife." I said.

My Sweet Captain a Steve Rogers love story, Book 1Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu