Chapter 2

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George and Winifred Barnes looked at each other. A silent message passing through their eyes as Winifred looked at Addison and back to George. "Yes, we would like to adopt Adelaide," George said.

The adoption went smoothly from there. It was agreed upon that Adelaide would stay with Addison for a little while longer. Unfortunately, it was not that long before Addison passed away, with a smile on her lips, holding her daughter close to her fragile body as her warmth fell away.

Years went by and Adelaide was well loved by her family. Her older brother James adored her. And promised to protect her no matter what. He even gave her a nickname, Lady.

The Little Lady



"Bucky!!!!! Where is my hairbrush?" I yelled at my older brother James, whose nickname just happens to be Bucky.

"How should I know?" Bucky shouted up the stairs.

"Because you took it!" I told him angrily.

"Wha? No, I did not!" Bucky shouted running up the stairs.

"Ah, yes you did!" I said putting my hands on my hips.

 "Did not," Bucky said smugly.

"Did," I said giving him the stink eye, and cue the repeat of those two words about ten times. "Don't lie to me, James Buchanan Barnes. I know when you're lying!" I told him using his full name, it's so much fun to do that.

Bucky smiled sheepishly at me and pulled my hairbrush out of his belt from behind him. You see, for some reason, I can tell when somebody is lying to me. No matter how hard they try to trick me. 

And trying to trick me when today is my middle school graduation is not a good idea.

"James Buchanan Barnes! Give your sister back her hairbrush." My mother, Winifred Barnes yelled up the stairs.

I smiled cheekily at Bucky. "Ha! I win." He gave it back reluctantly, mumbling under his breath the whole time.

Once I got my hairbrush back, I raced to my room to get ready. I put on a gray knee-length pleated skirt, beige short sleeve button up top, and lastly a pink or salmon colored sweater with a bow to match. I looked at myself closely in the mirror; it seemed to go well together. And it complemented my tan skin and hazel eyes. Shrugging, I brushed my long dark brown hair placed the bow, and I was ready to go.

The ceremony was long and boring. I just sat there doing nothing; I let my gaze wonder from my droning teacher and my eyes landed on my family. I was surprised to see Bucky's friend, Steve there with his mom, Steve looked as bored as I was. When he looked in my general direction I gave a small wave, Steve smiled when he realized I waved at him.

Finally, the speeches ended and we were all free to go. I went to go and join my family. Now I start high school at the age of twelve with Bucky and Steve, what can I say? I'm crazy smart, or at least that's what Bucky and Steve say.


"Bucky... I'm scared," I mumbled as I stared at the building.

He chuckled at my terror instead of comforting me. "Are you laughing at me, James!!!" I accused as I yelled at him.

"Did I hear shouting?" Steve asked suddenly appearing right next to me.

"STEVE!!! You scared me!" I yelled at him, but I quieted down at the end. People were beginning to stare.

Bucky burst out laughing. "The little lady here is scared of her first day of high school." He told, more like explained smugly, to Steve.

            I glared at him. "I'm only two years younger than you Bucky, and it's your first day too," I said annoyed. "Not to mention that Steve is going in a year early too..." 

"Relax Lady, you'll do fine," Bucky told me.

"Are you sure? Do I look ok?" I asked nervously as I smoothed down my skirt.

Steve looked at me when I asked. I had on a black skirt and white top, with my normal black heels, and my locket. I have a picture of my brother and Steve on one side, and of my parents standing next to my birth mom on the other. It was a gift from Bucky and Steve for my graduation.

Steve blushed slightly. "You look very nice Lady," he said quietly.

"Thank you, Steve," I said blushing slightly. Then I turned and glared at Bucky. It was a 'don't even think about teasing him' look.

Steve was looking over his schedule. I was doing the same as I looked over his shoulder. "Hey, we have the same schedule," I said happily.

Steve nodded in response. "Hm? What did you say, Lady?" Bucky asked.

I looked at Bucky; he was watching another freshman girl walking down the hall. "Well, I'll see you in class." And with that short sentence, he left.

Steve and I just watched, and we both knew that it isn't going to end well. "So, we're off to see the wizard?" I said looking at Steve.

Steve grinned at me. "The wonderful wizard of Oz." He responded readily. My birth mother apparently read that book to me since it came out when she was a little girl. My mother told me that she left it to me, an original copy from the beginning of the twentieth century, when it came out. 

With Steve at my side, I knew I wouldn't fall flat on my face, at least not right now. And then we proceeded to make our way to our first class. And no, we did not skip. Nor did we follow the yellow brick road.

We had just gotten out of Literature class when Bucky came up to us.

"So, how'd it go?" Steve asked. Bucky gave us a sour look, I giggled at him, apparently no luck with the freshman girls.

        "What are you giggling about? Just wait, by the end of our senior year I'll have girls falling at my feet," Bucky told us.

"Yeah, and I'll be accepted into a secret program for the U.S.," I said sarcasm oozing from my voice.


My Sweet Captain a Steve Rogers love story, Book 1حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن