Chapter 24

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          Over the next few months, Steve and the rest of his men have been going on missions to destroy Hydra basses. I've been accompanying them. I stay back, usually. But I offer medical assistance if needed. I fight sometimes, it just depends on where we are. It also depends on what is going on.         

        I find myself reminding Steve that I am trained in combat. Often. But overall it's going pretty well. Steve was reluctant about this at first, what with me being in/on the field. But he's ok with it as long as I don't do anything stupid. 

        So far we have destroyed most of the Hydra bases. There are only a few left. Steve and I have even begun talking about our wedding. We're hoping to have it sometime soon. He suggested in the next few months. But we'll see. I can't seem to get rid of this bad feeling. I feel like something's going to happen. Something I will not like. 


Meanwhile: in evilville...

        "You are failing! We are close to an offensive that will shake the planet. And we are continually delayed because, you cannot outwit a simpleton with a shield and his fiance." Schmidt said angrily. 

        "It's hardly my area of expertise. I, I merely develop weapons. I..I..I cannot fire them." Arnin Zola said, stuttering at the end. 

        "Finish your mission, Doctor. Before the American finishes his." Schmidt said darkly.

        The Red Skull was very angry. He had just lost another base to the Captain. Even worse he lost the women he was going to make his queen. "I'm sorry, Herr Schmidt. We fought to the last man." The Commander said. 

        Schmidt wrinkled his nose in disgust. This man is not worthy to be in his army. Much less in his presence. "Evidently not." He said pulling out his gun and shooting him on the spot. Killing him in an instant. Well, that takes care of that. Now all that is left is to kill that nuisance of an American. And take the woman back. She will join him, by force if necessary. 


 ( Her outfit.)


        I stood on top of the cliff as we waited for the train. I was going to zip line onto it along with Steve and Bucky. Our intel tells us that Dr. Zola is on board. I've had experience with him, so they want me on the train. I aimed and fired the line into another cliff, testing it. I nodded to Steve telling him that we're ready. It seems fine, it shouldn't break.

I think...

         "Remember when I made you ride the Cyclone on Coney Island?" Bucky asked Steve. I smiled, I remembered that day. Steve and Bucky went wondering. While Mary and I went on the water rides... She insisted I wear a bikini. I was not so happy, ended up wearing pants over the bottoms. 

        "Yeah, and I threw up," Steve said. I really had no idea that they did this...

        "This isn't pay back, is it? Or some means to make sure I let you marry my sister?" Bucky asked. I laughed, it's not that bad. It's actually a lot of fun. I've done it before... Not gonna say when though. 

        "Now why would I do that?" Steve asked smiling. I forgot to mention....... We're getting married next week.......

        "You were right, Doctor Zola is on the train. Hydra dispatcher gave him permission to open up the throttle. Wherever he's going, they must need him bad." Gabe said. (I don't know if he really said it, but I don't remember. Doesn't really matter. If you know who did, please tell me.)

My Sweet Captain a Steve Rogers love story, Book 1Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin