Chapter 6

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"Close your eyes." He told me.

I did.

And I was not expecting what was going to come next.

His warm hands held mine and then...

He kissed me.

I was so shocked at first I didn't respond, but then I kissed him back. We broke apart and Steve whispered in my ear. "Keep your eyes closed. You can open them after I leave."

"We're off to see the wizard." Steve said.

I smiled and answered. "The wonderful wizard of Oz."

And with that he was gone. I touched my lips in awe. That was my first kiss. And it was Steve! I felt like jumping for joy.

I waited I didn't know if I could open my eyes. Then I heard the train whistled signaling that we were about to leave. I quickly pulled out my notebook and wrote a quick note to Steve.

It said:


I'm going to miss you so much. I thought I would let you know that the kiss was amazing, and that it was my first kiss. I wouldn't have it any other way. Well I guess I'm off to see the wizard.



I folded the note once and kissed it, leaving my lipstick on it. I walked to the window and opened it. Leaning out, I looked for my family and friends.

I saw them a little ways down. I waved as they ran up. Bucky and Mary ran up and grabbed my hands. All the women were crying, and my dad and brother looked like the would like to start bawling. But being men, they just won't do that.

I looked at them, unshed tears in my eyes. "I love you guys!" I shouted over the engine. I looked for Steve so I could give him the note. I didn't see him though.

"Where's Steve?" I asked Mary and Bucky. Mary shrugged and Bucky went to go find him. My parents grabbed my handed and gave a squeeze, then the train started moving slowly.

Mary held onto my hand and stared walking with the train. Then Steve and Bucky ran up. The train started to pick up speed, I reached my hand it to Steve. He started jogging so he could grab it. When he did he squeezed my hand. I gave him the note and he let go and stopped running, his asthma tacking it's tole.

Mary and Bucky kept running, I gave their hands a squeeze then let go. I looked at my family and friends one last time. And I saw Steve standing there with my note. I judged smile on his face. He waved to me. I waved of everybody as they train got faster, and they got smaller.

I waved till I couldn't see them anymore. I turned at sat down on my seat, then I remembered my present from Steve. I could open it now. So I did.

I opened the package and gasped. It was a book, but not just any book. I opened it up and my eyes got all watery, it had a note on the inside from Steve. It said:

Dear Adelaide,

I made this book for you so you could always look at the things that are here and not be so lonely. I hope you like it. I also hope that I haven't made you mad by kissing you. I meant to kiss you that night at the dance but Bucky interrupted us. I don't know what else to say. But I can say this, I'm going to miss you a lot. Not only as my friend, but also because I like you a lot. I have for a long time. I'll write everyday I hope you like my present.

You're off to see the wizard...


Steve Rogers

I opened the book and smiled. Steve drew me pictures of just about everything. There were pictures of my family, of Mary, of Steve and Bucky, of my church, if the organ. Whatever you can think of there was a picture. I flipped thru them and then I came to the last few. One was of Mary and I before the dance, getting ready. Another was of the four of us. One was of Mary and Bucky.

The last two were of Steve and I. One from the night at the dance. We stood less than six inches apart, so close to kissing. In the corner of that picture was Bucky and Mary. And the very last picture was of Steve and I kissing. Just like today. I turned the last page and found another note, it said:

I hope you like it Little Lady. :)

The Wonderful Wizard of Oz


I smiled, this is the best gift ever! I picked up the rose and noticed it was wilting. I decided to press it in the book later. I held the book close to me, watching the scenery as it went by.

I would be on the train till tomorrow, spending the night. Then I would board the boat. Then I will head to England. Where a new adventure awaits.

My Sweet Captain a Steve Rogers love story, Book 1Where stories live. Discover now