Chapter 15

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I stood there shocked as Steve knelt on one knee. "Adelaide, I love you. And I want to marry you one day. I know that neither of us are really ready. But, with the war going on I want you to have this. So..." Steve said taking the chain I gave him and putting the ring on it. "When I join the army and get my tags, I am going to put this ring on your finger and officially ask you to marry me."

He took the chain and put it around my neck. Once he was done, I tackled him in a hug. "I love you so much Steve." I said.

"I love you too." He whispered in my ear.


I smiled at the ring in my hand. I was in central park admiring the snow covered trees. It was now 1940, and I will be leaving in two days. Steve was out trying to enlist again. So I decided to take in the beauty of New York for a little while before I left. You never now if you'll see it again.

I looked at the beautiful ring again. It was Mrs. Roger's wedding ring. I feel so honored that Steve gave it to me. I'm going to miss him so much. Tonight we're going to go out to the diner for dinner. I just love their milkshakes.


Steve and I stood at the train station. My train will be leaving soon, Howard was already one board waiting for me. He held me to him, I had tears falling slowly down my face. "I don't want to leave you." I said to him.

He told me soothing words, sweet nonsense. Then the train whistle blew. I wiped my eyes and kissed Steve. It wasn't as sweet as it usually was. It was desperate and wanting. "Remember last time?" Steve asked me. I nodded and hopped on the train.

It started to slowly move as I leaned out the door. Steve started to walk along with it holding my hand. "I love you Lady" He said above the noise.

"I love you too" I told him, trying my hardest not to cry. He grabbed my hand and kissed it gently then he handed me a bag.

"Open it when you're out of the station." He yelled over the noise. He was running now, people jumping out of his way. I nodded and then he let go of my hand. I waved and watched him get smaller and smaller. I watched him wave back until we went around the bend.

I walked back to my cabin and saw Howard flirting with a woman. I rolled my eyes and went inside the cabin, ignoring him completely. I sat down on the chair and watched the station go by. About three minutes later I heard the woman make an unhappy sound and then a loud slap. I smiled, oh Howard...

A moment later he tried to get in the cabin, but I had locked it. He started lightly tapping on the door. "Uh Lady, can you let me in?" He asked.

I opened the blinds on the door and looked at him smirking. "And why would I do that Howie?" I asked. He looked at me unhappily.

"Please" He begged.

I thought about it for a moment. He looked at me hopefully "I kinda like my privacy, so no." I said.

"Adelaide! Let me in!" Howard said angrily banging on the door.

I shook my head smiling. "Nope, go flirt with some other girl."

I started to close the blinds as Howard got a panicked look on his face. "LADY!" I waved and closed the blinds. He kept on pounding on the door. Eventually it stopped and I went to open the gift from Steve.

First, I pulled out a bouquet of wild flowers. They were beautiful, he must have picked them himself. Then next their was a wrapped parcel, opening it I gasped. It was another book of drawings. I flipped through them. By far my favorites were the ones of the couples. Specifically Bucky and Mary, my parents, Steve's parents. And last but not least, one of Steve and I when he proposed.

I am the luckiest woman alive. :)

(Here's her outfit, and the ring is there as well :)


Eventually I let Howard back in. He was grumbling the entire time. I just ignored him and looked though my books. We arrived at the station and there were army guards there to escort us. We followed them into a car and they took us to were we would be staying and working.

We arrived at a large building, it had a fence surrounding it and guards at all the entrances. We went in and were met by colonel Philips and Dr. Erskine.

"Adelaide! How good it is to see you." Abraham said pulling me into a hug.

"It's good to see you too!" I said happily.

"Welcome Mr. Stark, Dr. Barnes." Colonel Philips said.

I smiled at him and shook his hand. "It's good to see you again Colonel, but please just call me Adelaide or Lady." I told him.

He smiled. "I'll keep that in mind. Now if you will please follow these soldiers, they will lead you to your rooms." He said indicating the men.

"If you'll please follow us ma'am." One of them said, they led me to my room. They didn't say a single word along the way. My room was basic. It had a bed, dresser, desk, bathroom, and standing closet. It was actually really nice.

Later after I finished unpacking, a different soldier came and brought me to the dinning room. Or at least that's what I think it is. The Colonel was there, along with Howard and Dr. Erskine. "Ah Adelaide, come join us. We have much to discuss." Abraham said. I nodded and sat down at the table.

We discussed what we were going to be doing. Rules, protocols and such. Then they started talking about Hydra and a man names Johann Schmidt. I looked at them confused, I had never heard of either.

"Forgive me for interrupting." I said while Howard was speaking. They all looked at me"But who is this Schmidt man?" I asked confused.

"You don't know?" Howard asked, I shook my head.

"Schmidt is the man who forced me into working for the Nazis." Dr. Erskine said.

"He is the head of Hydra. It's the deep science division." Howard said.

"He was the first to take the serum." Abraham said. I looked at him shocked.

"You've already made the serum?" I asked, he nodded. If he had already made it then the only reason for me being here is that it isn't perfected. "What's wrong with it?" I asked.

They all looked uncomfortable. "It's not necessarily what is wrong. The serum improves the person, so a good person becomes great. A bad person becomes worse. Schmidt was a very bad person to begin with. It also had some ah how do I put it... Side effects."

"I'm taking a guess these side effects are not very good?" I asked.

Howard shivered. "No, not at all." he said.

"He has begun to call himself the Red Skull." Colonel Philips said.

We continued discussing Schmidt and Hydra, then we retired for the evening. I laid in bed thinking about this man. I hope I never meet this Red Skull was my final thought before I drifted off into sleep.

My Sweet Captain a Steve Rogers love story, Book 1Where stories live. Discover now