Two Years Later

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Two years later: Augustus and I are living in a small green house a street away from my parents. I am sitting here in my room noticing my hair is getting longer, and thicker, and...

" Hazel?"

It's Gus.

"Yes?" I say in reply.

"Would you like to go out to dinner tonight?"

"I would love it," I say with a smile.

I get out of bed, brush my hair, and put on my favorite dress. It is patterned with flowers of all kinds. I throw my flats on and walk out of my room. There is Gus, standing in his new blue jeans, with a polo shirt on. I slightly laugh.

"What?" He says looking at his clothes.

"Nothing" I reply with a grin. He shrugs and escorts me out the door. We hop into his car and he drives us away. With every turn there is an annoying jerk, but I don't mind, it thrills me.

We pull up in front of my favorite restaurant, A Night In France. It reminds me of Amsterdam in every way. The beautiful lights around the room, the little river and bridge near by, and the bench. I start to think about it more. Why would he just randomly bring me hear? It's very expensive. What's going on? I decide not to ask, he might get angry. He might get upset. I don't want that to happen, I want to have a lovely night.

"Hi," says our waiter, " Two?"

"Yes" replies Gus. The waiter is short, and bald. He is dressed in a suit with a pink tie.

He seats us at a table in the back corner next to the window, where you can get a astounding view of the bridge going over the river. I sit across from Gus, and gaze out the window. I can't help but notice Gus staring at me.

" What?" I say with a goofy smile. He laughs at me.

"You're perfect, Hazel Grace." I feel myself blushing. But he doesn't seem to notice it, so we continue on our perfect night.

"Hi I'm Charles, I'm your waiter for the night. Can I start you off with drinks?"

"I would like the stars" replies Gus.

"Ahh, yes, the stars, and for you?" He motions toward me.

" Stars would be delightful."

"Great, I will be back in a moment," Charles walks away.

I pick up my menu and begin to read.

"Wow everything sounds amazing! I just can't decide!" I know that sounded goofy, but I wanted to break the ice.

" Yes," says Gus, "I think I'm going with escargot."

I hold in my 'ewe' sound and say " I will too." We continue to talk about things such as Isaac getting a new girlfriend, and the people in the support group, then Charles appears with the stars.

"For you Mademoiselle, and you Monsieur" He hands us are wine, and asks us what we want.

" We will both have escargot" says Gus in reply. Charles writes that down and walks away without saying a word. I gaze out the window, watching a row boat travel under the bridge. It's amazing how a small river and nice restaurant can look just like Amsterdam, but be nowhere near Amsterdam itself.

Charles appears again hold a plate full of snails in each hand. I know it's called escargot, but to me it's just snails, and that's all it will ever be. He sets a plate down in front of Gus, then me. We begin eating.

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