↣ Chapter Eight ↣

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M E E T I N G 

M E E T I N G 

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M A D Z I E 

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The couch was one of the comfiest things Chris had ever lay upon. All he wanted to do was sleep, curled up on the couch, with Gilmore Girls playing on the TV and a blanket thrown over the bottom half of his body. After he and Alec had gotten back from their date, Alec had disappeared back to the Institute, leaving Chris to catch a few hours of sleep. And then Magnus had woken him up to complain about Clary wanting him to use necromancy to bring Jocelyn back from the dead.

So when Chris finally got the chance to go for a well-deserved nap and heard the knocking at the door, he knew that there was going to be trouble. He knew that Magnus was out, and that Caroline and Catarina would just walk in. So he supposed it was either a Shadowhunter or someone else looking for help. Chris was not in the mood to help anyone

He let out a grumble, throwing the blanket off of him and pausing his TV right in the middle of a Rory and Jess kiss. He rolled his eyes at that and made his way to the front door, grumbling even more after tripping over the shoes that Magnus had left in the hallway.

"What?" he snapped as he threw open the front door. His face softened once he saw Alec sheepishly leaning against the wall, hands stuffed in his pockets.

"Did I wake you during a nap?" Alec asked, seeing the mess that was Chris' hair and the way his clothes looked rather disgruntled. He put two and two together and realised that Chris must have been taking that nap he had talked about on the way home from Oxford.

"Nah, nah, not yet." Chris sent Alec a soft smile and Alec returned it. But that was when Chris caught sight of Clary hiding behind Alec. He automatically knew why they were there. "Hell no little red, I am not bringing your mother back from the grave, that's too much damage."

"That's not what I'm asking you!" Clary confessed as Chris went to shut the door. He stopped, raising his eyebrows at her. Her cheeks burned as she tried to think of how to say whatever it was she wanted to say to Chris.

"I found a warlock who says she'll do it for me, but Alec thinks we should take you, as a sort of back up, just in case she tries anything dodgy or my mom comes back weird." Chris looked to Alec, who nodded, and he shrugged.

"Fine, I'll come. But if anyone asks, I wasn't there, I didn't even know about this. Necromancy is a bad thing, very dark magic, I would never perform it myself. It's meant to change a warlock, I hate it." Chris continued going on and on about how bad necromancy was as he used magic to straighten his clothes and also rummaged around in his wardrobe for his favourite sneakers. He pulled on a jumper just as they were about to leave. It wasn't too cold in New York, but it wasn't warm enough to walk around without an outer layer.

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