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3 p.o.v A 20 year old woman, with shoulder length green hair that was tied up in a pony tail and bright hazel eyes focused intently on the screen of her laptop which had a movie playing across the screen as she laid in her bed clad in her yellow pajamas with black polka dots with her laptop on the bed in front of her. It was 10:45pm, she was supposed to have been in bed at 11:00 as she had an early start the next day, but insted she was sitting in bed watching a movie.

"Drew you should really be going to bed, you have really busy day tomorrow, first you have a hockey game, and then your aunt and I have a surprise for you." A voice from the doorway drew her attention away from the movie. Thankfully it was only Drew's mother who stood, leaning her shoulder against the door frame. Now if you had seen the two together you wouldn't know they were related as Drew looked nothing like her mother, in fact her mother had long curly dark brown hair and brown eyes. Her mother was 5'9 while she stood at 5'3, Drew was curvy while her mother was slender.

Drew quickly clicked the pause button on the movie and turned back to her mom. "But Mom," groaned Drew glancing back at the paused laptop screen "I'm at the best part. I can't just turn it off and go to bed now, it's the part where they fight and Jazz gets…" She paused eyebrows creasing "hurt. I promise to go to bed after the movie is over." Drew pleaded with her mom, as she gave her the best rendition of the puppy dog eyes she had.

What movie was Drew talking about you ask? That’s a very good question, the movie was 2007 Transformers movie. It had been a movie that was up high on the list of her favourite movies, bordering on a comfort movie for her.

Her mom, who's name was Elizabeth, sighed but as she straightened up a twinkle entered her eyes and her lips stretched into a smirk. A look drew knew well from growing up with the woman. "Fine, but If you don't go to bed right after the movie you owe me breakfast in the morning before we leave for your hockey game!"  Elizabeth said, shaking her head as she turned around and went back to her room. After all they had to be up early.

Turning back to her laptop, Drew moved it over so she could lay down and set the laptop on her stomach and hit the play button and as she did her eyes started to feel heavy as the movie started playing once again. She grew sad as she realized that she was at the part where her favourite Autobot Jazz gets ripped in half.

"You want a piece of me! You want a piece-" Jazz said as he scrambled around the much larger mech, shooting off as many shots as he could with his blaster. Trying to take the large mech out. When suddenly Megatron managed to grab him, bringing both servos up the leader of the decepticons grasped the smaller autobot by an arm and a leg.

"No,." Megaton said smirking at the sabateur in his hands, "I want two" as he ripped Jazz in two proceeding to toss the severly injured smaller mech like trash.

Once the movie ended, with a sigh Drew closed her laptop as the ending credits playedacross the screen, Turning over onto her side she looked out her window she managed to catch sight of a shooting star streaking across the night sky, she glanced over at the clock to her surprise it read 11:11pm, Drew looked back out her window took a deep breath and made a wish.

"I wish I could do something to help the autobots" Drew said their voice sluring due to sleep creeping up on them. They felt something akin to acceptance and love, like a nice hug from their mother, as they snuggled into their tardis blanket with one final sigh she then fell into a deep sleep. Where she dreamed of a metal planet too beautiful for words but achingly familiar.

A bright blue light flew through the three bedroom house illuminating the dark house as its occupants slept. Finally the blue light seemed to concentrate around the currently dreaming young adult. The light began getting brighter and brighter as an ancient voice whispered  "You will be my spark, my newest creation, the new..." the light seemed to reache its brightest and then everything went dim for a second before a powerfull wave of energy seemed to absorb everything including the house.

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