A lil stabby stab

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Lilith's rage was a constant, she was mad at all times, it was rare that she'd show the full extent of it, aside from the snide and snappy remarks she had habits of spewing out. She remembered one incident where Chibs, and half-sack had seen how she worked, and how a mad Lilith looked like. She didn't want for any of the others would have to see her that way, though she knew they wouldn't mind, it was a personal preference, though now, there was a no choice.

The three were darting down the roads, taking every turns smoothly as their speed continued to increase, her anger and impatience of the trip taking so damn long. She stopped, a few miles away so she'd be able to gain the element of surprise, making sure they didn't hear the bikes.

Though she had guns, she preferred her blades, taking them off their sheathes from her thighs, she turned to the Puerto Rican, and Scotts man, and nodded her head. "Alright, lets go?"

"Yeah." Said Juice with a nod, raising both of his messy eyebrows at her. They both looked at her, waiting for a plan, seeing as she'd taken the lead and knew these guys. "Whats the plan?" he asked.

"Don't die." she said, giving a nod.

They both glared at her with both eyes, seeing as she wasn't going to elaborate much, they took out there guns and she raised both eyebrows at them.

"Don't shoot me either. When I give you the signal, go start untying the guys. Oh, and don't get in my way." she demanded, looking over her shoulder. "Okay, follow."

Lilith mad sure to eye the area, and the position of all the men that stood around, she nodded to herself and thought 'okay, easy enough'. There was a few extra men, three or four that stood around, and slowly she took one out after the other. That was the was part, she kept getting closer, and no sound was made. Far too easy, and this is why she always won.

The tied up sons, were sitting close enough in range to exchange jokes, she crackled a smile at that, but quickly refocused, sneaking up behind Sebastian and kicked him in the back of his knees. In one swift movement he was on his knees.

"I told you, don't touch my boys you fucking twat." She growled lowly, her eyes going dangerously dark and she tilted her head closer, completely dismissing the fact that the men were watching it all. "Welcome to your fucking nightmare." She spat, she took one of her blades, and before he could register what was happening she stabbed the long, cool metal though both of his wrists then into his back, keeping his arms in place. He let out a long, gutted scream from the pain it provided him.

"You crazy fucking bitch!" He shouted, and Lilith laughed whole heartedly, shaking her head.

"Oh but baby you knew that." She mused, lowering her gaze slightly. "I fucking warned you, I told you not to touch them, i told you, i fucking told you not to touch them. But you took them." She sliced once across his cheek to increase the pain he felt, always been the weaker link from the two. "And you know what i see? i see blood." she said, pointing at the men that stared with wide eyes, and in complete shock. There was fresh bruises, a couple split lips.

She knew they could handle it all, she knew that they were fine and the definition of tough, but Lilith didn't like it when someone went against her word. "And i don't like that i see blood."

"You're going soft, bitch. You're going soft on these scumbags." He spat at her, losing his own temper long ago and testing her.

Gritting together her teeth, she took her one blade, and yanked back his head, dragging it deeply across his throat, nearly cutting off his heart and blood spewed across the ground, and her. She dropped his lifeless body to the ground and she spat on it. "Soft that, bitch."

She stood to her feet again, and called the two that tagged along over, having them start untying the rest of the Sons. She took back her blade, wiping it against her shirt.

"Lilith! Fuck! Behind you!" Shouted her dad, and she was quick to turn. Her hand flew up, shielding herself from the knife he attacked her with, none other than Enzo started attacking her. He started throwing punches at her, having a short upper hand since he'd gotten her from behind.

His blade split open her arm, and she ignored the stinging. She went to grab it, hand on blade she threw him off balance and knocked him off his feet. He only took a few seconds to hop back up, hands flew, they continued fighting . The intensity of it rose, she went to kick him in the face, and he hit it away, getting her in the face once. It was all way too fast moving, with one swift move, he had the upper hand and lodged his knife in her side. Looking at her smugly, she looked down at it, and froze.

Then only reason she did freeze, was to make him think that he had won, but she yanked it out quickly and lodged it in his head, releasing a shaky breath and smiling down at his now collapsed form.

The rest of the sons were now untied, after juice and Chibs decided on watching her over untying them and helping her out, but she did tell them to leave her alone, to let her do it.

A few short moments, she fell back, on her ass as she was losing blood quickly and she pulled off her flannel, ripping off a sleeve, she tied that around her arm, but looked at those who crowded around her.

"It's okay, I'm fine." She groaned weakly "I got this, don't worry" Insisting on tying her stab wound off by herself.

"Cut the bullshit." rasped Happy, grabbing the remaining fabric and Clay started barking orders for what they should do, like grab the car that stood off to the side and Bobby sat beside her, petting her head.

"Hey, don't look at me all sad, old man." She said with a weak laugh, the mission was done, the others were safe and that's all that mattered to her, really. "It's no big deal, I've had worse. I'll survive. "

But that's not the only thing that mattered to the Sons that stood there, being saved without question of loyalty to them, only to tans around or over a girl that had slipped so easily into both their lives and hearts. Happy had felt something towards someone for the first time in almost twenty years, and Bobby had his daughter back. Now here she was, bleeding from her abdomen and cracking jokes. It broke Bobby's old when she said she'd had worse. She deserved better, she deserved a father that took her in years ago. Not a pussy that left her behind cause he feared being a present father.

Happy tied her wound as best as he could with the fabric, and got Chibs to hold pressure on it.

"Anybody got any like... thread and sowing needle in their pockets, I could sow myself up. Like old times!" She said in hopes to lighten the mood, but her head began to spin and then she saw black.

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