11 - Royal Rumble

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Greg: From Dayton, OH, weighing 269 lbs, Kassius Ohno.

The crowd cheered and Zell smiled as Kassius Ohno walked.

Tom: Kassius Ohno from NXT!

Graves: Talk about a hard hittimg match we're going to see from these two.

Kassius enter the ring looking at Rahzel lick his chops at him.

The bell ring and The Big Bad Wolf didn't waste time, trying to take the big man down. But K-Ohno kick him off and hit him with his forearm.

Rahzel was knock back to the ropes behind him as Ohno taunt him. He nod his head as he let out a fury of punchs and kicks, getting Kassius off guard for a forearm hit.

Kassius was knocked back, causing to continue an assault till he start working on his right arm.

After working the arm, Zell picked up The Knockout King in Wheel Barrel position and German Suplex him. He rolled up for another German Suplex.

Ohno elbow The Big Bad Wolf, pushed him to the ropes and formarm him in the back of the head.

Later on

Kassius and Rahzel were up, throwing forearms at each other till one finally falls. Zell was almost out of it, but he couldn't lose. Not here, not now, and not to Ohno.

The Knockout Hero was knocked to the rope, bouncing off and hit Rahzel, bouncing him to the ropes.

But Ohno ran to the same ropes behind The Big Bad Wolf and hitting him with The Flying Forearm to the back of the head.

Tom: That can do it. Kassius for the pin!

1, 2

Rahzel put his foot on the ropes in time, breaking the count. The crowd gasp as Kassius was once again so close of beating Rahzel.

Graves: How much punishment will Rahzel take from Ohno? Every blow has stun him.

Saxton: He eats pain like it's nothing, Corey. Kassius is gonna have knock him out.

Ohno waited for Zell to get up for his Bicycle Kick at the turnbuckle. K-Ohno went for the kick, but was dodged and he found his leg on the turnbuckle.

The Big Bad Wolf picked Kassius up and perform a Exploder Suplex. After a couple forearms to the back of Ohno's head before locking him in a Crossface Chicken Wing.

After being unable to move with Rahzel's legs wrapped around him, Kassius tapped out.

Greg: Here's your winner, Rahzel

Tom: Rahzel survived another match and in such a hard hitting bout, he took the hits and kept on fighting.

Graves: We're watching Rahzel adapt in the ring. He fights, survives, and makes his enemies tap out.

Saxton: These two superstars fought in a great match. I can't wait to see them at it again.


Scottie walked backstage, all smiles without a worry in the world. He screwed over Raij after he overhear The Now Former WWE Champion talk trash about him.

Well, that's the thing about Scottie Ace. No matter how you play it or screw it, the house always win.

Scottie happiness would be short-lived as he was pushed into the wall again by his brother.

Scottie: This better not be the norm.

"What the hell did you do that?!"

Scottie: Nobody plays me, Zell. I may be stupid, but it'll always cost them in my favor.

Raij didn't want get my job. Lilith is the GM because she got me to wrestle again.

"I don't give a damn if she laid a golden egg. What's the point of me going in The Royal Rumble Match if Raij's not the champion?!"

Scottie: Are you an idiot?! A chance of winning The WWE Championship at Wrestlemania.

Rahzel got off his brother before leaving the hallway. He had the match to prepare.


Smackdown Management Shane and Lilith watching the event with Raw Management, Stephanie and Kurt Angle.

Heath Slater picked a number entry for The Rumble Match.

Heath: Ohh baby! You can say lady luck is on my side tonight.

Even he turn he was attacked by Raij and tossed out of the room. He took Slater's number.

Kurt: Raij, what the hell are you doing?!

Raij: Since I was screwed over out of my Championship. Now, I get to go in The Royal Rumble Match. Which means if I'm in the match and Rahzel is in the match. That means...

Shane: Oh no!

Shane and Lilith ran out of the room as they needed to find Rahzel. Raij laughed as he exit out of the room.


Rahzel was walking to prepare for the match, but he was stopped by a group of guards, lead by Shane.

Shane: Raij's in the match and I can't risk you two being in the same ring. Please hand me your entry.

Zell nodded as he laughed maniacally.

"You really want to make this decision, Shane-O? You're going to regret it."

Shane: You're not going to make easy.

Rahzel punched Shane and the guards grab him. Shane got up as he saw the angry restrained superstar.

Shane: Rahzel, you are suspended indefinitely! Get him out of here!

"You're going to regret this, McMahon! Do you hear me!? You pissed off the wrong man!"

The guards walked The Big Bad Wolf out of the arena as Shane looked on. Dealing with Zell and Raij was a painful job.

But he had to make the decision on who to get rid of. Too bad it was Zell.



Raw: Authors of Pain
SD: Sanity

Raw: Nia Jax
SD: Asuka

Jinder Mahal

United States
Samoa Joe

Seth Rollins

Finn Bálor

Royal Rumble
Mens: The Miz
Womens: Charlotte Flair

Rahzel: My Revenge, Year 3 Part One (WWE Fanfiction)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon