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Smackdown Live
2 weeks till Royal Rumble

Scottie walk backstage, arriving to The GM Office. Knocking on the door. It open and Shane answer.

Shane: Mr. Ace

Scottie: Mr. McMahon

Shane walked out of the room as the former Interim General Manager walked in the office, closing the door.


Tom: Tonight, we were granted a interview with The Big Bad Wolf, Rahzel. Renee Young tried to see if she can get into the head of the heartless one.


Renee: Thank you Rahzel for this interview.

"It's okay."

Renee: Last year, you were injured. You missed out of The Royal Rumble and Wrestlemania-

"Don't remind me."

Renee: Ever since you can back, you've been aggressive then ever. What made you change?

"Raij did. All his bragging about taking me out for months. If it wasn't for Jinder Mahal dropping the oxygen tank on my arm, Raij wouldn't be Mr. Money in the Bank and WWE Champion.

"He's getting all of this because I wasn't there to prevent it. Simple like that.

"I imagine some of my opponents as if I was fighting him. I'll choke him out till all the air is out of him and he turns red like your dress."

Renee: A month ago, Raij put a restraining order on you, including if you get in a altercation with him, he'll sue the company. How did you feel that your brother, Scottie Ace gave him that idea?

"I couldn't care, Renee. He's whining about not being The GM of Smackdown. But Raij has push the inevitable. He's scared of me. He know what I'm capable of.

"It's crazy. People around here expect me to be the same-o Rahzel before I got injured. They wished I was because now, I turned myself into a weapon."

Renee: What do you mean you're a weapon?

"I'm a bomb. Someone piss me off, I'll go find Raij and beat him down and the company is sued. But that's not how I wanted to send fear to the superstars."

Renee: How do you want to be feared?

"When the superstars are in the locker room and suddenly, the temperature starts to get cold. It's because I'm there.

"When someone makes eye contact with me and their skin crawl, their spine tingles. That's because they fear me. I am the unknown fear that's been missing here on Smackdown Live.

"I'm here to bring the fear back."

Renee: Speaking on your open challenges, it seems like you got some requests from Raw, NXT, even 205 Live. How do this feel when you're the most wanted man?

"I freaking love it. They all want to fight me. That's showing courage. So, I got something for them. At The Royal Rumble, I will have a open challenge for only Raw, NXT, and 205 Live.

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