25 - Wrestlemania

84 1 0

Unsanction Match
Rahzel vs Raji

Tom: Welcome to Wrestlemania, ladies and gentlemen. Tom Philips, Byron Saxton and pulling double duty, Corey Graves.

Byron: What a great time to be here. Thousands here and millions watching at home. Great matches await to start.

Graves: It's another year at Wrestlemania. We got a long way to go. Let's get started.

Greg: This is a Unsanction Match. There is no disqualification and no count out.

From Mumbai, India, weighting 214 lbs. The Golden Boy of India, Raij!

Tom: The day is here and time is up for Raij. Ever since December of 2018, Raij been trying to avoid a match against Rahzel, even holding The WWE hostage in a Restraining Order and trying to become a champion.

Saxton: Well, it's time to face the music for India's Golden Boy.

Graves: I just hope his mother is okay and she's not watching. This isn't going to be pretty.

Raij wore an gold attire with the colors of the India flag on.

The lights went off and a video was playing on the titantron of someone in tube of water. As the video gets closer, pictures of Rahzel, x-ray of Rahzel's injured arm, Raij and Jinder reinjuring it.

"Men ought either to be indulged or utterly destroyed, for if you merely offend them they take vengeance, but if you injure them greatly they are unable to retaliate, so that the injury done to a man ought to be such that vengeance cannot be feared. Niccolo Machiavelli

"Raij, you left me breathing. You left me alive. As you spent time bragging, I was in my metamorphosis. I was changing who I was into who I have to be.

"You forgot about me, Raij and that was your downfall. There will be no one to save you, no restraining order to hold me back, no mercy.

"The Spirit of Vengeance runs through my veins and it's time for revenge."

Rahzel appear on the screen, his eyes turning orange. "Time's up!"

The Big Bad Wolf burst into flames as a skeleton of a wolf on fire jump on the screen, howling at the moon.

Rahzel emerge through a ring of fire on the stage. He wore a leather jacket with a chain diagonally wrapped around his chest.

He wore a skull mask with a orange hood on with flames design on it.

Greg: From Charlotte, NC, Born from Brooklyn, NY, weighting 2l5 lbs. The Big Bad Wolf, Rahzel!

Tom: This is Rahzel's 2nd Wrestlemania. The first, two years ago in Orlando where he won The Intercontinental Championship.

Tonight, he will make sure he walks out victorious and put down his ex best friend.

Graves: Here's some stats for you, Philips. This is the fifth match between Rahzel and Raij. This series is tied 2 a piece.

Rahzel: My Revenge, Year 3 Part One (WWE Fanfiction)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora