Chapter 1 // the flight

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(Zeynahs POV)

It was a hot Saturday morning as me and pardis boarded the flight from Dubai to Paris. We had been waiting for this day for 4 months, counting down the days on our countdown apps, constantly calling each other whilst packing our clothes, deciding what to pack and what to bring. But finally, the day had arrived, and we couldn't of been happier.

"Pardis, dude have you called your parents to tell them we're on the plane? I'm gonna go to the bathroom to go fix my make up and call my parents okay? I'll be back in 5 minutes"

"Oh thanks babe for reminding me, I'll call them now" pardis had replied as I walked to the bathroom.

I looked at myself in the mirror and thought to myself , holy crap, I'm actually on a plane travelling with my best friend, is this real or?

As I fixed my eyeliner, I heard the announcement from the speakers saying the flight was about to take off, I quickly called my parents and left the bathroom.

As I opened the door, I noticed a gorgeous guy with blonde hair, before I could look at him properly, I heard pardis calling me to come and sit down.

"Zeynah you took so long in the bathroom what the hell were you doing?"

"Okay don't look back but, there's a really really hot, and I mean HOT, guy standing near the bathroom, I'm going to die pardis holy shit, he looks French or something I don't know"

"Zeynah there's no one there, there's a black fat guy standing near the bathroom unless you're into him?"

"WHAT? Pardis I swear he was there just a second ago I swear!"

As I began to argue with pardis, someone kicked Pardis's chair and all I heard was pardis swear.

"Excuse me? Do you mind?" Pardis yelled as she turned back and tried to see who was rudely kicking her chair.

I turned back to see who it was, and I died.

He had dark brow hair, a gorgeous jawline, and amazing brown eyes.

I turned to pardis and gave her the "there's a hot guy" look, she knew what I was thinking, and she turned back to the beautiful man and said

"Look dude, you need to stop kicking my chair, go and sit somewhere else if you wanna do that okay?"

Before I could stop pardis from talking, he had stood up and come to us.

"Listen mrs pretty, don't tell me what to do okay? Shut up and don't talk to much okay? Thanks"

"Pardis pardis pardis, he not worth it don't even bother just sit down we're going to take off now"

I was so tired and I all I wanted to do was sleep.....

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