I contemplated on whether I should tell him or not.

I've decided.

I took a deep breath and spilled everything out.

"<insert explanation cause author-chan is too lazy to explain>"

After cough "explaining" my confusion and pain, Hoseok-hyung seemed to be in deep thought.

"So if you sleep, you somehow magically go back and forth with the two lives you currently have now... Interesting, don't you get tired of not being able to sleep?"

"As weird as it may sound, if I wake up in this body, I feel refreshed and energized, same goes for my other body. And also, there's no telling how long I could sleep in my other life if I'm awake in this life or vice versa."

"Damn, what drove me to grant a wish to the extent of giving him a second perspective to live another life?"  Hoseok-hyung murmured to himself, but I heard it loud and clear.

'This guy has some explaining to do too.'

"What do you mean by that?"

"I'll tell you when the time is right."


"You said there was this person to whom I referred to as 'Master', and you're sure as hell  I wasn't referring to you?"

I shook my head.

"Well, whoever that person may be, you have to find him. It doesn't matter in which life." 

"But why? What's so wrong with having a second life?"

"It is against the laws of living. You can be punished if you have been found out by the 'watchers'"

"What the hell are watchers? What the hell are you that you know about all this stuff! I'm starting to believe I'm going crazy!"

Hoseok-hyung sighed.

"I know all of this is hard to take in. But please, just bare with it a little longer. You'll know when the time comes."

I just stood there, unable to say anything.

I was beyond confused and wondered as to what this curiosity of mine will lead to.

"At least give me a clue."

Hoseok-hyung contemplated if he should give me a hint or not.

He suddenly took a pen and paper he stored in his pocket for some reason. Which perked my interest more.

He wrote something on it and gave it to me.

"If you can decipher it and find out what it means, I'll tell you your next clue."

I took the peace of paper and tried to read it.

It's written in German. Oh god. Why didn't I learn German online?

I read out loud:

"Meine blaue schimmeln, deine Kaliko Katze."

Hoseok-hyung tried to hold back a laugh 'cause I don't really know how to pronounce German language properly. 

I rolled my eyes at him.

"I should go back. To my original world that is."

Hoseok nodded and ruffled my hair.

He beamed at me. 

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