Chapter 2 Idulgence of a Solitary Knight

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"RUBY! Where were you? Are you okay? Are you hurt?" The blonde man obliviously exclaimed as he hugged his daughter who ran and basically tackled him with a hug. "Oh my Oum! I was so worried, don't ever do that again!" He scolded, it was funny, fatherly love is always touching if a bit embarrassing for the children Even so, we care too much to let something like embarrassment control our actions.

He's a good dad, I can already tell that much. Maybe a bit oblivious though, seeing as he failed to realize I was here. Though I would be the same way having just found my daughter, it's their moment. I don't make much noise in the first place, only when I move will you hear a slight creak from my armor. Things like this are somewhat interesting to me, I never had a son to father relationship... The closest was Gwyn, but he was just like that undead filled with greed. He wanted to keep his age of the gods, but all things must come to an end.

Things were, in fact, peaceful when the age of fire was erected. Although it seemed as though anyone with power was plotting against someone else with power. It was more of delayed destruction now that I think about it, the whole place was killing itself. The blonde man seemed to have finally noticed me and jumped up. He quickly notes my presence and dismissed me, he then went back to his daughter.

Definitely a good dad, but already seems like the type of guy I would drink with if I drank in the first place. Although he dismissed me, it was obvious, a child wouldn't last long in these woods.

"What were you doing in the woods?"

Ruby then seemed a bit sad, "I-I was looking for mom..."

"Oh Ruby," he looked at her and lowered himself, he gave a somber smile and rubbed her head. "I know you want to find her but... but..." he could only pay her head and give a pained expression.

"D... Dad..." Ruby looked up with tears in her eyes...

Her father promptly held her then let go after a long pause, "So who's your friend here?"

Ruby got noticeably happier, children are so easily able to go from one thing to another, it's so innocent and precious. It's so hard not to care,"This is my new friend, he came with me back in the woods! His name is... Um... Mister Knight? What's your name?"

I waved my hand in front of my neck.

"You can't talk?" 

I nodded in response, no hard feelings Ruby, I would've said if I could. Immediately, his look turned to that of understanding.

"Sorry, I understand."

I waved in acceptance, it's perfectly understandable. People often are more apologetic than is needed, especially in the context of what the other person thinks.

"You've got a certain air to you, a father like me... Trust me, I know, we're the same. How about you join us in the house?"

I accepted with a nod, though his comment made me think. I suppose he wouldn't necessarily be wrong to assume, I once had someone that was like a...No, I did, have a son. AM I A MONSTER??? How could I possibly think of him as anything but my own child, after all I had done, after all the love I showed him. I DERSERVE TO BURN FOR EVEN THINKING THAT!!!

I even remember when I found him. Thinking back on it, it just hurts to think of what it had been like... What would've happened to him if I didn't find him. He was so frail, it pains me just thinking about it. He must've been so scared. I can't stand the thought that I wouldn't find him. So, I had found him, I took him in with me.

Ha, it was such a strange time, it was difficult the first few years. I was young, I had no idea what to do with a child at the time. I suppose that is what makes a parent, I did not know what to do, how I should go about such a thing. It's all so damned funny right? Damn it... It still hurts... So much...

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