Mistakes I Made

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(I'm going to do this in Teresa's P.O.V. Just to switch it up and really understand why she did it)

Teresa P.O.V.
I regret what I did to Newt and Thomas. Thomas doesn't know but I just feel bad he likes guys and he likes Newt he just wants to be near him all the time. Even when Thomas and I are talking he randomly brings him up its like Newt is in his DNA or something it's so irritating.

I felt guilty for what I did Newt everyday. His leg is jacked up forever I went to the doctors and wondered how his leg was doing. The doctor told me it would be a limp forever and guilt was all I could feel and hell I still feel it now I'm a horrible friend and person.

I don't even know why I did it. I knew Thomas was gay and liked Newt and I just ruined it like I always do I ruin everything I hate myself so much. Why did I even do it? I did it because I wanted Thomas to myself I wanted his attention to be on me it's like he doesn't care about me anymore. Whenever Newt talks to him it's like I'm invisible if I send him a text message he'll see it then just ignore it.

Better yet he types back ''sorry I'm with Newt right now bye at''. Ugh! It just makes me so frustrated all I want is Thomas back and yes I'm in love with him but as a best friend. I do know I sound insane i just get very protectively and jealous over Thomas a lot. I want to protect him at cost but all I have done has caused him pain and I feel sad, guilty, angry, and disgust.

I am disgusted with myself

What kind of best friend hires someone to hurt their best friend's boyfriend? What kind of best friend threatens their best friends boyfriend? I'm horrible. I just want Thomas safe and actually will care what I have to say all he's been saying is Newt Newt Newt. I'm sick of the name Newt even if's the most unique name in the whole world I just want him to actually care for what I have to say.

I haven't talked to him in a while. Newt and him were hanging out now they were dating I knew that because Janson told me I have no idea how he knew. I just remembered him telling me he saw them kissing and that's obvious that they are dating. I should've never hired Janson to beat up Newt I should've never threatened Newt I should've never forced him to get out of Thomas's life.

Newt was one of the best thing's that happened Thomas. I am just the worse thing that happened to Thomas's life if he hasn't already figured out what've I done he would be angry. I deserve to be yelled at and angry at this is all my fault just because I was jealous.

Thomas probably already knew because I knew someone was trying to get into my phone I put firewalls up but they got pasted them. I could only think of one name who could hack that knows Thomas


I wasn't a fan of Gally. UGH! Here I go again I cut Gally out of Thomas's life too what the hell is wrong with me!? I need to get out of here I need to leave Thomas I need to leave this city. As I opened the door there stood Thomas I could sense his anger and sadness.

I sighed. Before he could talk ''I know I'm a terrible person and friend after you and Newt started hitting it off I grew jealous and I'm insanely protective over you and you soon didn't care for what I had to say you didn't hang out with me for a long time which sucked and I do regret hiring Janson to beat up Newt and I regret ending Newt messages I'm sorry Tom I'm so sorry'' I said as tears ran down my face.

Thomas looked at me shockingly. ''I'm so sorry'' I said in between sobs as I slid down my wall and I pulled my knees to my chest as I cried. Thomas just watched me cry not knowing what to do I tried to calm myself but it was useless I was now a crying mess.

After I stopped sobbing though I still was crying. ''Did you know Newt has a limp for the rest of his life?'' Thomas asked I nodded ''Yeah I visited the hospital and they told me I feel horrible and I hate myself that's why I want to leave the city I want to leave you'' I said in a whispered to tone.

Thomas tilted his head to the side confused. ''Your better off without me I care about you so much I love you and your my best friend'' I said softly with a small smile on my face. ''No don't leave me if you care about me'' Thomas said shocking me. ''I've done horrible things to you and Newt I can't forgive myself you can't forgive me Newt can't forgive me'' I said.

Thomas shook his head. ''I can forgive you just give me time and Newt will take some time but once he hears all of this he will forgive you maybe not like you that much but he'll forgive you'' Thomas said. ''I can't I need help and staying here won't help'' I whispered.

Thomas looked down at the ground. ''Will you come back though to visit?'' Thomas asked as he looked up from the ground. ''yeah and you shouldn't have forgive me I don't deserve it'' I said sadly ''everyone deserves a second chance I believe that your mistakes might take time to forgive but it's okay take all the time you need'' Thomas said.

How did he forgive me?
Why doesn't he hate me?
Why didn't he yell at me?

I nod ''Thomas you don't have to forgive me'' I said. ''I know I don't forgive you just yet but I will eventually but Teresa I still care about you I don't hate you I know your mind is telling you things but I can't hate you your my best friend'' Thomas said. I smiled ''thank you Thomas even though I still don't deserve it but thank you I'm leaving today so goodbye'' I said softly.

Thomas hugged me. ''No goodbyes Let's just say See you later'' Thomas said I nodded and hugged back ''See you later Thomas I'm sorry'' I said. ''I know see you later T I'll see you when I see you'' Thomas said as he left my house I watched from the window as he car drove away.

Goodbye Thomas
I'm sorry

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