The Order of The Phoenix

Start from the beginning

I sat in a kitchen chair in an odd little house in a dress. It was the first meeting of The Order Of The Phoenix that I was to attend and they were also having a little Christmas party. 12 Grimmauld place was the location. I was dressed up for the party, my hair pinned up.

I smiled as I recognized the face of Thaddeus Thornwood follow Dumbledore into the room.
"Thornwood!!!!" I ran and threw my arms around him.
"Merry Christmas my favorite student!" He hugged me back and then pulled away.
I saw Snape enter next. He watched us interact and then took his seat. I hadn't had a chance to confront him. I never had gotten one before Christmas holiday.
Then he had gone home for the holiday, which he never did. He was avoiding me.
Thornwood handed a package to me.
"This isn't as interesting as the ingredients I sent you last time, but I hope you'll enjoy them too.
I opened it eagerly.
"Thornwood! It's beautiful!"
I smiled at the old man. Dumbledore laughed and clapped his hands.
"It's a lovestone. It glows whenever the one you love is near. Let me put it on you..."
Bill Weasley and his mother and father entered the room next. Bill blushed as he noticed me.
Dumbledore noticed.
I felt the necklace touch my skin and the pink stone began glowing.
"That a love stone?" Arthur Weasley asked.
"Sure is." Thornwood replied.
Everyone looked at Bill. Bill smiled at me. I looked down. Snape was staring at me as well. I knew who the stone was glowing for. Bill sat down next to me.
"You do like me! Don't you!" He smiled and put his arm around me.
"Bill. Let's focus on the meeting. We can talk, later, Alright?"
"But I want to talk now. We have a few minutes before—-"
"She said you could talk later, Weasley. I suggest you respect her wishes." Snape growled. He dropped his hand from me.
"Greasy old git." He mumbled.
The meeting started. I listened to Arthur Weasley and a man named Lupin discuss strategy. They were close to finding the Carrows that killed my parents. I was glad for that. I was acutely aware of Snape staring at me most of the meeting. He seemed to be fixated on the lovestone.
We decided to take a break an hour in. I sneaked off as fast as I could to an empty room with a balcony, hoping to avoid Bill.
I heard footsteps approaching from behind.
I was crying, holding a small silver package in my hand I had for Snape. Lately he'd been so cold I was almost scared to give it to him, except I knew that at one point we had been laughing and sharing cookies together. What had changed? I had to confront him. But I didn't have the had been broken...I didn't have the energy.....
I felt a hand on my shoulder and I spun around.
"Snape...can you just leave me alone? I don't feel like it right now...." I said, startled. I tried to dry the tears on my black Christmas dress.
"Anastasia...." he sighed and I saw a silver tear drip down his face.
Was he? Was he crying?
"Snape, I don't know why you did it, but I've been meaning to talk to you about those memories you stole...we were so close... why would you do that?"
He stood there silently staring at me and then he leaned over the balcony and put his hands in his hair.
"Snape....I'm confused as to how close we were and what's going on here, but this is a thank you present for removing that mark from me..."
"Take it back. I don't deserve anything from you..."
"Snape, just take it. Keep the memories if you want, just take it..."
He reluctantly took the package and opened it. It was a picture taken from my memory. It was us laughing and eating peanut butter and jelly sandwiches by the lake.
"I was able to fix that memory. I don't know what happened that we aren't like that anymore. Were we best friends?"
Snape sighed.
"Something like that."
I walked toward him.
My lovestone was glowing out of control now.
I took it off and walked up to him and reached around his neck. It began to glow.
"Tell me the truth. I'll resign as your assistant and leave you alone. Just let me know what we were and why you ended it, because I think I love you, Severus Snape, and according to this you love me too."
Snape lost control and pulled me into his arms. I heard him sob.
"Severus...." I cried with him.
"I'm so sorry, you saw my dark mark...I thought you'd be better off without me...."
"That's not true. Never be that stupid ever again.... You hear me?"
He pulled away and reached into his pocket. A jar of silver memories was in his hand. He slowly used his wand and gave them back to me one by one.
I gasped and then pulled him close to me and put his lips on mine.
He ran his fingers through my hair and I shivered.


She still loved me? I kissed her back, in a heated passion. She pulled away and laid her head on my chest.
"Never ever, pull that shit again, Severus."
I laughed.
"I won't." I looked her over. She looked beautiful in that dress. I took off the lovestone and placed it around her neck.
We walked back in to the meeting and sat beside each other this time.
Albus noticed our change in behavior.
"How is your memory, Anastasia?"
"Good. All better." She replied.
He looked at me and nodded.
I watched as Bill took the place on her other side. I gritted my teeth at the boy.
He eyed the lovestone and started to sneak an arm around her while Remus Lupin was talking.
She swatted him away and he looked hurt. I smiled.
I watched her hug Thaddeus and thank him again for the gift. I stood in the doorway of the living room and pretended like I wasn't eavesdropping on their tearful reunion.
"Severus! Come! Thornwood says you were an apprentice under him!"
I grunted and came over to them as they spoke animatedly. I watched her gold eyes sparkle at his jokes. Same Thaddeus as always.
She hugged him and promised to write him and then looked up at me.
"I'm going to ask Albus if I may escort you back to Hogwarts?"
She smiled.
"Albus, would it be too much trouble for me to take Miss Sayre back with me?"
"Not at all, Severus. See you later."
I looked back at her and she followed me outside.
"Take my hand. We are about to Apparate." She smiled and took my hand and in a flash we were at Spinner's End at my old ramshackle of a house.
"Close your eyes." I ordered her. She obliged and I waved my wand.
"Open them."
She gasped as snow began to fall on her.
"Snow!" She laughed.
"For you...come inside, I have a little something for you..."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17, 2018 ⏰

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