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I'm not shy. It wouldn't have normally bothered me to be the center of attention, but as I had just lost my parents and been given away to a man I'd only just met, I wasn't in the mood to be presented in the Great Hall a month into the Hogwarts school year as an unexplained random transfer. We had to keep the reason I was here a secret for ministry purposes, so my story had been that Dumbledore was my great uncle. I was okay with this. It would mean I didn't have to peel off the fresh scab of the past 48 hours and relive those horrors as I retold my alarming tale. I awkwardly followed Dumbledore up to the front of the Great Hall.
You'll be a seventh year. I'll have to give you a small placement exam in the morning before I can get you your schedule, but do not fret, we have an excellent Potions master.
We finally made it to the center dais. I scanned the table behind me where the faculty were sitting. They all smiled at me reassuringly except for one man who seemed to be shooting daggers in my direction. I felt a sharp tug and broke the mental link with Dumbledore to shield my mind. Dumbledore has began addressing the students, informing them of my arrival and sorting. I wasn't paying attention. The man wore a look of deep confusion before turning his attention elsewhere.
He was handsome with long black hair and a hooked nose. His eyes looked cold, and he licked his thin lips before he began watching the spectacle with a mildly amused expression.
Dumbledore placed a hat on my head that began to speak. Different sorting ceremony here than back home...but this was home now I suppose.
I felt the hat in my mind and I had the slightest intuition that the professors could hear it too. Dumbledore watched intently.
A Wampus, eh? So much bravery, yet cunning and quick-witted. Could go either way... You'd make a fine Ravenclaw. But, you are so very brave. The nerve in this one! You love making people happy...but...I see something...You're sneaky. You're ambitious. You have a fire. Yes! Yes! Yes! I've got it.
"You came here a Wampus, but now you're a...SLYTHERIN!!!!" The hat bellowed. A table of greed-clad students cheered. Collective murmurs of disappointment couldn't be heard from the other tables.
I looked to Dumbledore as he offered his elbow to me.
"Thanks...Uncle Albus." I winked at him, feeling better and a bit distracted already. The energy draught I had taken was wearing off...I hadn't slept in days.
He led me over to the faculty table and began introducing me to all the professors. When he got to the black haired man on the end he met my eyes with an emotionless expression.
"Severus, this is her. The potions prodigy of Ilvermorny and personal assistant to the legendary Thaddeus Thornwood himself."
Dumbledore smiled.
"Pleasure." He spoke dryly, revealing a deep baritone voice.
"After dinner, Professor Snape will show you to your quarters. He is the head of Slytherin, and the Potions master if you hadn't already gathered. He'll make sure you feel right at home."
I snorted. Professor Snape glared.
"I'm sure he will." I said, choking back laughter. I truly didn't mean to be disrespectful, but the exhaustion was kicking in and being tortured and not sleeping and watching your parents die takes a toll on you... I swayed and Dumbledore caught me before I fell.
"You can retire soon, I apologize for all of this. I know you are worn out from your...journey, Anastasia." Dumbledore flashed a reassuring smile to Snape, who now wore an extremely puzzled expression.
"Is that dried blood under your chin, Miss Dumbledore?"
I must have missed some.
"I took a tumble earlier, I'll be sure to clean it off when I get to my quarters, sir."
He pressed his mouth into a thin line, not buying what I was selling.
I recognized one of the women from my hearing earlier. She was sitting two places down and I realized was listening to our interaction. I saw her exchange a glance with Dumbledore.
"Well, go eat and introduce yourself to the other Slytherins. I will see you in my office bright and early for your evaluation after breakfast. Good night." Dumbledore left me standing there awkwardly in front of Snape. I turned around without making any more awkward eye contact with the man who had tried to read my mind so rudely earlier.
I mechanically introduced myself to some seventh year Slytherins, but I knew I wouldn't remember their names in the morning. I was behind exhaustion mentally and physically and I knew the charms hiding my injuries would be wearing off anytime. I was glad when dinner was over and I could meet up with Snape and get some rest. I walked back up to the front of the hall and he looked at me as he got up. I followed him in silence as we descended to the dungeons.
I stopped as we were in a dimly lit hall and clutched at my aching abdomen. I leaned against the wall and frantically reached down my shirt for a vial Dumbledore had given me to get me through the day. Just enough was left. Snape became vaguely aware that I was not behind him and turned around to watch me throw back the last of a healing potion.
I coughed and slid my hand up my shirt, exposing my stomach a little to clutch at a deep cut that was hurting. Deep black and purple bruises could be seen. The bottle fell and rolled on the ground and stopped at Snape's feet. Snape's eyes lingered on the exposed injuries before I became aware and pulled my shirt down again. He leaned down and picked up the vial before raising it to his nose for a deep inhale.
"Pure adrenaline mixed with skele-gro...among other things...Why would you need this?" He pocketed the vial and narrowed his eyes.
My breathing was ragged.
"Can I go to my chambers, please, sir..."
I was starting to feel like I was going to pass out any moment.
"Very well." He began walking again, focusing his eyes straight ahead.
We arrived at the Slytherin girl's dorms and he motioned to the door of the room I would be staying in.
"They're all sleeping by now. Good night, Miss....Dumbledore." He cast another puzzled glance my way before leaving. I fell asleep in my clothes that night, glad for the effects of the potion were kicking in, otherwise I probably wouldn't have gotten any sleep.

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