A Second Chance

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Within the day I was sitting in a ministry office, crying as I was both rewarded for my bravery and punished for what I had done in anger. I had escaped and exposed two death eaters, but I had used an unforgivable curse, which had dire consequences at Ilvermorny. I was expelled. Memories flashed of my potions master's eyes. He was afraid. Afraid of the monster he'd helped create. Thornwood. The elderly man had nurtured and cared for me when the other students didn't understand. I had just started as his assistant. A dream come true. When my temper was set off, it was he that could always cool me down and talk me through it. But there no talking through the murder of my parents. No talking through the duel with the Carrows. No. That was over. That was in the past.
'What's done is done.' I had quoted Lady Macbeth in my mind as I sat and watched a small council of people around a table argue about my fate. I saw one kind face in particular make eye contact with me. I felt a tug in my mind and I let it pass for some reason.
Thank you for letting me have a word with you...Tell me... what would you like to do now?
The man spoke directly into her mind.
He sat with her headmistress and some other important magical folk, but his attention was on me. They spoke animatedly still, but he had left the conversation.
I would....I would like to have another chance.
I saw the old man smile. His fluffy white beard gave him a warm comforting appearance.
Everyone makes mistakes. Don't let what you regret overshadow what you have done. You are a hero. Your parents would be proud. You shouldn't be alive right now, yet hear you sit. A Wampus through and through.
My mouth twitched and I almost smiled.
My attention was brought to an older woman with a British accent addressed the old man.
"Albus, what do you recommend we do with the girl?"
"I have already made my decision. Since she can't return to Ilvermorny...The only logical thing to do is for her to come to Hogwarts."
"Albus..." my former headmistress looked at him with uncertainty.
"As long as she understands that she will be watched closely and will have to check in with the ministry. Consider her in my custody, if everyone can agree upon that...including her. Anastasia, what say you to that?"
I blinked as the eyes at the table all shifted towards me. I was sitting pretty far away at the other end of the room, so I got up and approached the table. My voice was clear and devoid of any intimidation.
"I would be honored to resume my studies at Hogwarts....Mr??"
"Dumbledore. Headmaster at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry." He smiled, stood up, and approached me. He placed a hand on my shoulder.
"All in favor?" He asked.
The motion carried and it was decided. I followed the man out of the room. I really didn't know where we were going.
Thank you, I won't let you down.
He looked back at me.
"I know you won't. You don't have to tell me. We'll be arriving via floo powder. Your things will be in your chambers after you are sorted at dinner this evening. If you need anything, remember, you're a part of our family now. It's all over now. Things happen for a reason, sometimes that reason isn't clear at first like one of your potions, but what happens when you add the powdered mugwort when you're brewing veritaserum?"
I stopped to think and then a smile tugged at my lips.
"It turns from murky brown to clear."
Dumbledore smiled and nodded.
I felt as though I had just taken a calming draught. I stepped into the fireplace and in a flash we were gone.

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