📍Toritsuka Reita x reader

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The Brown Stuff

"Saiki said I'd get a bunch today! What the heck!" When Toritsuka had ecstatically ran to school today as he had, mistakenly, been lead to believe that his efforts of 'doing nice things' for all the girls at school would pay-off. Toritsuka sat disappointed at his desk sulking over his lack of Valentine's Day chocolates.


"Ok, now it's time to see Toritsuka." (Y/n) said to herself as she approached the classroom door. She gave it a knock and was answered by the class rep. "Oh, (L/n)! You're from class 3 aren't you? W-what are you doing over here?" He said blushing a little.

"I'm looking for Toritsuka." (Y/n) chirped as the Rep's jaw unhinged.

~I'm looking for Toritsuka.~

~I'm looking for Toritsuka.~

These words echoed through the heads of nearly everyone in class 2 especially a certain medium. (Y/n)(L/n) was looking for the unlovable perv Toritsuka Reita? "(Y/n)...wants...ME?! It's Valentine's Day so that can only mean one thing!" He internally raved.

Shoving the paralyzed class Rep out of the way Toritsuka tried to strike a charming pose but failed. Blushing, he responded "Yes?!-(cough)ahem, you wanted me?" He said attempting to come off as cooler than he was.

"Yeah, can I see you in the hall? I have something for you." You said smiling

"THIS IS IT!!!" Toritsuka's mental health was slipping.

"Look, I just wanted to let you know how much you mean to me and that I'm grateful for having you as a part of my life." You said calmly and the warm look in your eyes sent Toritsuka to cloud nine. "Please, accept these chocolates." You held out a cutely wrapped and decorated package.

Toritsuka, with a blush, turned his head so you wouldn't see how excited he was. "She said all of that so casually, like it wasn't a big deal at all!" He thought. He slowly turned back while covering the lower portion of his heated face and shakily reached out to acquire his "parcel of love" and before he could say anything to the girl she bid her goodbyes and returned to class 3.

"Guess who just got chocolates from (y/n)~." He spoke coolly to his classmate, Shinoda Takeru.

"No way~" Takeru whined with disappointment. "I wish chiyo would give me chocolate..." He, once again, said with a gloomy tone.

"Sorry,Iknowyoutwobrokeupandeverything buuut you're killing my buzz." Toritsuka said while ditching the unenthusiastic environment and reclined cockily in his chair. "TODAY WAS AWESOME!" Was his last thought for the rest of class.

After school ended he caught up with Saiki while walking home. "SAIKI!" He yelled to obtain his pink-hair, four-eyed, one-sided friend. "You were right I got chocolates today and not just from anyone~ from (y/n)!" He bragged with a crapulous smile.

"(Sigh) at least your not calling it the brown stuff anymore." Saiki droned secretly full of gratitude. "(Y/n) had been giving out chocolates to all of her friends today as a 'thank you for being a good friend' kind of thing. She had given them to me, Nindou, kaidou, Hairo,...and now Toritsuka, I guess...but I'll let him have his time in the sun." Saiki explained with his inner dialogue as he continued on his way next to his obnoxious companion.

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