" Smiling that way just makes it harder to forget," Pa said, turning back to me and I gave him a confused look.

" Have you ever wondered why your father dislikes you so much and I love you more?" Pa asked and I gave him a curios look.

He smiled in my direction before he started talking,
" Your eyes," He said and I gave him an incredulous look.

" How can my eyes be the reason Pa?"

" Your eyes are just like my Alice's" Pa said and I looked at him more confused.

" Alice was your grandmas name." Pa said smiling and I was shocked. Hardly anyone talked about my grandma cause of a major fight that had happened.

" She had the same expressive eyes like yours," Pa said, looking into space, " so dark yet so innocent."

".....William and my wife were very close. They were almost inseparable. Heck your father didn't even go to College just so that he would stay closer to your granny and help her in the farm,"
Pa looked back at me before continuing to talk,

" Then one day, he got accepted in NYC SU, America's best University. Your grandma convinced him to go and even gave me the silent treatment so I could force your father too.With much convincing, your father did go but to return back with a woman wearing a short sundress, an oversized hat, black sunglasses and stiletto heels who was walking on our farm like as if it was fucking harmful and full of shit."

" Was that woman mother?" I asked inquisitive.

" the one and only devil,"
Pa said shaking his head and I rolled my eyes. Even in her youth my mother was obsessed over clothes. Pa continued telling me the story,

"She walked on your grandmas pawn and that was the rise Of the hatred towards her. William surprised us and Alice wasn't prepared. So For lunch, there was some bean stew, rice and bread. When Blair saw the food, she whined at William and William argued with his mother, telling her to prepare some meat."

"...Oh then after that arguments did not stop. In two days time, William fled from home and your grandma, She was left feeling remorseful. Her one and only son didn't even stay back to say bye to her. After a month of that incident, William came back home miserable. We couldn't afford the fee for the school it was way to expensive for us. Then your grandma decided to sell the farm," Pa looked at me and I moved closer to him,

" During their fight, William said he'd just marry Blair and ask her to borrow some money and your grandma refused. She cared about her dignity far too much to ask a rich spoilt brat for money. Your grandma told him that if he married Blair then she'd never talk to him but William didn't listen, he got married to the bitch." Pa shook his head as he talked.

" Your grandma had a stroke when she got to know that. She was in shock. She couldn't believe it. In the hospital all she asked for was William but the fucker was busy in his honeymoon. When he came back, he found his mother, frail and sick, lying in the hospital bed. Alice was still fucking happy to see him, nonetheless, she hugged him and kissed him, apologising to him for being so rude and then in his arms, she breathed her last breaths." Pa said with a thick voice and my eyes watered,

" Since that day, your father, William wasn't the same. He became stoic and hard, not caring about anyone or anything. Not until one day when two children were born, one with green eyes and the other, with the innocent looking brown ones, the one my Alice had and when I held the child in my arms, I named her Sophie Alice." Pa said looking at me with watery eyes and a tear trailed down my cheek.

" Your father looked at your eyes and he felt angry at himself for causing his mother pain and now look at him, still a coward and still hurting my Sophie Alice."

" Ah look at silly ole me, I got you all crying," Pa said chuckling , "I'm supposed to make you feel better not sad, come on child let me make you some Tasty farm hot chocolate ," pa said holding my hand and I pulled my pa in a hug.
He was so strong he be living without his wife.

I settled on the wooden stool in Pa's kitchen and watched him do some weird things with the sugar, powdered chocolate and water. He added some milk and finally gave me a steaming cup. I bought the cup to my lips and moaned lowly, it was perfect. It had the right amount of sugar, an end taste of bitter cocoa and loads of cream.

" This is amazing Pa!" I told him sipping more of the goodness.

" Thank you, thank you!" Pa said tipping an imaginary hat making me chuckle.

" Pa I don't think it's a wise idea of having so much sugar right now," I told him after checking the time. It was 2 am in the morning.
Too late in my books for Pa to be having high sugar contents.

" Oh hush child," Pa said, " you drink your cup nicely than we can watch a movie together and then sleep. You're not going home today," Pa said as he walked out of the kitchen making me watch his retreating back in amusement.

He was right.

I was going to enjoy this bonding session with him, fuck going to work tomorrow.


As promised.....

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