17. Proxima Midnight x Reader

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Requested by: Dragonboy86


While concretely aware that she could (and most likely would, given the circumstance), pulverise her assault partner, an irritated feeling grated at your mind. Even in the impossible event that she hadn't been privy to his affections, you had, and needless to say, you didn't approve.

Technically speaking, the two of you were hardly anything special, but despite not giving any outward clues, you actually held copious amounts of admiration and love for that woman. She was strikingly beautiful, yet terrifying at the same time. Not quite knowing how she would react in certain scenarios was exhilarating, and you couldn't say you had ever held anything so dear before.

You had the intention of making her recognising your feelings, but decided that it may have to wait until after you had retrieved these Infinity Stones. You supposed they would be at the forefront of her mind at the moment, anyway.

That woman was determined.

Your instructions were clear – pinpoint the exact location of the mind stone, and excavate it. That was simple enough, with you having prior knowledge of the vicinity. It was Edinburgh; Thanos had told you that much. He trusted you, it seemed, as you were the only Black Order member without a team mate.

Perhaps he thought you might kill them.

It wasn't an entirely ridiculous theory – you did detest two in particular: Corvus Glaive and Ebony Maw. The former was rather obvious, while the latter was just annoying. He proved too much of a sycophant for your liking.

At least he could barely be considered competition.

As well as providing you the general location of your target, the Mad Titan had also elaborated on its owner: a synthetic humanoid with great apathy towards violence. Although, you would soon discover that he didn't shy away from a fight. Neither did his associate – a foolish young woman, whom you assumed to be his chosen companion.

Seeing as they appeared to be desperately clinging on to their time, on some occasions begging each other not to go, you stalked them silently for a few moments, gauging their movements.

It was clear that they weren't anticipating a frontal assault. If anything, you observed relief – even peace – in their expressions. Concluding that this type of love was destined for failure, you decided to end it swiftly. Hoisting yourself up from the frankly uncomfortable church steeple, you jumped.

In mid-air, you grabbed your weapon and readied your magic. The two lovers were ignorant until you were right upon them. You cut into the android's arm, leaving a significant tear, thus disabling his technologically-assisted human appearance. The witch made her move, attempting to shoot you with a crimson magic, which looked as though it should have been gifted via the Reality Stone, rather than the Mind Stone.

You hummed, content with the responses. Landing stably on your feet, you regarded the pair with a sort of laced animosity. Externally, you presented little to no emotion, while internally, you saw them as nothing more than pawns to knock off the board as you pleased. In this brief moment of hesitation, the woman tried once more to hit you, but you raised your weapon like a shield, sending her attacks hurtling back towards her.

A laugh threatened to escape your throat, although you somehow managed to contain it. Running at the prey, you whisked that pesky maiden off her feet, into the nearest available wall. Slashing and hacking at the humanoid, you worked to free the stone. He struggled, but ultimately, you had him pinned down, wounded and fatigued.

Reaching towards his forehead, you went for the stone. Unfortunately, you felt the danger before you saw it. A blue flare illuminated the otherwise dimly-lit streets, stabbing your side and causing you to fall to the ground, away from your target. When you checked, it was exactly as you expected.


She glowered at you from her higher position.


You started reassembling whatever pieces of your conscience she hadn't just decimated. Taking a stance opposite her statuesque figure, you heeded her acquaintance with a vague disinterest.

She gestured to the failing android. "This one is mine."

"I will be taking the stone, for Thanos." You reminded, wondering if he even mentioned your mission, as it seemed that he put this unfavourable pairing in your exact locale.

Her gaze hardened. "I will take the stone."

It was quite evident that she was growing more and more agitated by the second.

You sighed. "We could always take it together."

"I do not wish to compromise. I will be taking the stone." She affirmed, teeth bared.

You had to strangle another annoyed breath.

"Of course you will."

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